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Author Topic: US Russian Hoax  (Read 11890 times)

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US Russian Hoax
« on: February 14, 2022, 06:12:11 PM »
I apologize if this isn't particularly relevant to biblical discussions. It is, however, relevant to my own participation in them. I've been completely immersed in the current unraveling of the Russian Hoax scandal in the US. Before and during the Trump presidency there was an active conspiracy, by the Democrat Party, and Hillary Clinton in particular, to skew the voters' attitude towards Trump as a traitor to US concerns, as a seedy "friend" of Putin and Russia.

This is now coming to light under a special prosecutor appointed just before Trump left office. Durham has uncovered a plot to spy on Trump--something Trump had identified earlier but was laughed at in the media. Trump was right--he was in fact spied on in a conspiracy to taint him and destroy his ability to be reelected. Our media has been busy castigating anybody who forwards this "conspiracy theory" as propagandistic and misinformation. In case you're interested, here are a few of my favorite people who appear on Fox TV, and another who someone on a forum gave me.
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 06:21:56 PM by RandyPNW »


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #1 on: February 14, 2022, 06:28:06 PM »
That which is spoken in the darkness will be shouted from the rooftops

No need to fret because of evildoers

God’s got this
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 06:55:17 AM by RabbiKnife »
Danger, Will Robinson.  You will be assimilated, confiscated, folded, mutilated, and spindled. Do not pass go.  Turn right on red. Third star to the right and full speed 'til morning.


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #2 on: February 14, 2022, 06:49:47 PM »
That which is spoken in the darkness will be shouted from the rooftops

No need to fret because if evildoers

God’s got this

Thanks brother! It sounds like you're on the right side of this? :)


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #3 on: February 14, 2022, 08:13:58 PM »

I'm waiting for the arrests and THEN, see what msm say about the arrests  ;)

EDIT: Oh wait, they helped (colluded) push the accusations against President Trump so I wonder if they'll push the truth as an attempt to "hide" their collusion. Or will they just remain silent, as the drip, drip, drip that Durham is pouring out... becomes a flood of information due to his investigation???
« Last Edit: February 14, 2022, 09:11:37 PM by Slug1 »

~In the turmoil of any chaos, all it takes is that whisper which is heard like thunder over all the noise and the chaos seems to go away, focus returns and we are comforted in knowing that God has listened to our cry for help.~


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #4 on: February 14, 2022, 10:25:20 PM »

I'm waiting for the arrests and THEN, see what msm say about the arrests  ;)

EDIT: Oh wait, they helped (colluded) push the accusations against President Trump so I wonder if they'll push the truth as an attempt to "hide" their collusion. Or will they just remain silent, as the drip, drip, drip that Durham is pouring out... becomes a flood of information due to his investigation???

Look what's happening in Canada! God help us if the govt. shuts down Durham and anybody on Social Media who continues to implicate the Govt. in this scandal! Pray, pray, pray! The Lord's will be done.


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #5 on: February 15, 2022, 06:47:08 AM »
That which is spoken in the darkness will be shouted from the rooftops

No need to fret because if evildoers

God’s got this

Thanks brother! It sounds like you're on the right side of this? :)

Didn't know that we were choosing "sides":

Praying that God would have mercy on all of us, individually and nationally,
for our evil hearts and actions,
for our worship of political parties and political leaders,
for our reliance and faith on political solutions outside of God,
for our wringing of our hands in anxiety,
for our vilification of our "enemies" instead of our heartfelt and grateful prayers for their salvation,
for our idolatry in our worship of so-called media and journalism,
for the evil, vile, and ungodly things we say in our hearts and out of our blowholes about elected officials,
for our blood lust to finally "get even with them",
for our voyeuristic fascination with scandal, corruption, and the general sinful world in which we live,
for the desire for revenge,

all "in Jesus' name," of course, couched in the charade of "truth, justice, and the American way."

I am revolted and nauseated by the church in North America.  Including the one I attend.
Danger, Will Robinson.  You will be assimilated, confiscated, folded, mutilated, and spindled. Do not pass go.  Turn right on red. Third star to the right and full speed 'til morning.


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #6 on: February 15, 2022, 09:56:19 AM »

I'm waiting for the arrests and THEN, see what msm say about the arrests  ;)

EDIT: Oh wait, they helped (colluded) push the accusations against President Trump so I wonder if they'll push the truth as an attempt to "hide" their collusion. Or will they just remain silent, as the drip, drip, drip that Durham is pouring out... becomes a flood of information due to his investigation???

Look what's happening in Canada! God help us if the govt. shuts down Durham and anybody on Social Media who continues to implicate the Govt. in this scandal! Pray, pray, pray! The Lord's will be done.

If it is the Lord's will that the Durham investigation is shut down, that social media censors anti-administration folks trying to implicate the FBI, the Clinton campaign, etc., so that the result is the utter destruction of the USofA in judgment for murdering 100 million babies, are you OK with that?

A paraphrase from Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address: 

"Fondly do we hope -- fervently do we pray -- that this mighty scourge of CORRUPTION [war] may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the sin of abortion [bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk], and until every drop of blood drawn with the [ABORTIONISTS' SCALPEL] lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said f[our] three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"

But we don't really believe that, do we?
Danger, Will Robinson.  You will be assimilated, confiscated, folded, mutilated, and spindled. Do not pass go.  Turn right on red. Third star to the right and full speed 'til morning.


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #7 on: February 15, 2022, 10:42:20 AM »

I'm waiting for the arrests and THEN, see what msm say about the arrests  ;)

EDIT: Oh wait, they helped (colluded) push the accusations against President Trump so I wonder if they'll push the truth as an attempt to "hide" their collusion. Or will they just remain silent, as the drip, drip, drip that Durham is pouring out... becomes a flood of information due to his investigation???

Look what's happening in Canada! God help us if the govt. shuts down Durham and anybody on Social Media who continues to implicate the Govt. in this scandal! Pray, pray, pray! The Lord's will be done.

If it is the Lord's will that the Durham investigation is shut down, that social media censors anti-administration folks trying to implicate the FBI, the Clinton campaign, etc., so that the result is the utter destruction of the USofA in judgment for murdering 100 million babies, are you OK with that?

A paraphrase from Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address: 

"Fondly do we hope -- fervently do we pray -- that this mighty scourge of CORRUPTION [war] may speedily pass away. Yet, if God wills that it continue, until all the wealth piled by the sin of abortion [bond-man's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk], and until every drop of blood drawn with the [ABORTIONISTS' SCALPEL] lash, shall be paid by another drawn with the sword, as was said f[our] three thousand years ago, so still it must be said "the judgments of the Lord, are true and righteous altogether"

But we don't really believe that, do we?

I have consistently for many years supported God's will be done, and that if God allows sin to continue in a nation that judgment fall upon that nation, ending the tyranny, the sin, and all of the abuses. "Leave place for God's judgment" is what we read and what we should believe, yes. Astute of you to recognize that!


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #8 on: February 15, 2022, 11:37:37 AM »

I'm waiting for the arrests and THEN, see what msm say about the arrests  ;)

EDIT: Oh wait, they helped (colluded) push the accusations against President Trump so I wonder if they'll push the truth as an attempt to "hide" their collusion. Or will they just remain silent, as the drip, drip, drip that Durham is pouring out... becomes a flood of information due to his investigation???

Look what's happening in Canada! God help us if the govt. shuts down Durham and anybody on Social Media who continues to implicate the Govt. in this scandal! Pray, pray, pray! The Lord's will be done.

If it is the Lord's will that the Durham investigation is shut down, that social media censors anti-administration folks trying to implicate the FBI, the Clinton campaign, etc., so that the result is the utter destruction of the USofA in judgment for murdering 100 million babies, are you OK with that?


However, I also can side with God exposing the evil in a manner that any narrative perpetrated by the news, cannot hide.

Personally, I believe this will render many who have tolerated the evil, i.e. so many that vote for leadership who push sin upon the USofA, those who don't vote at all and could have voted against those who push sin upon the USofA, those who are not resistant against what schools have been pushing through curriculum, etc, etc. I can go on.

Meaning, such exposure of this "real" evil that has been happening will cause reevaluation of morals and I believe this will cause many in the USofA to turn to God in repentance. Jonah and Samaria does come to mind. As well as other evidences in Scripture revealing God's sovereignty in removing nations from power (thus my YES in answering your question).

While the msm agencies can attempt to paint whatever perspective (narrative) they want (are ordered too), it is clear that those deep in evil will continue to do all they can to remain in that evil, more and more people in the USofA are waking up to the evil and these are those who I believe will turn and repent. If for the sole purpose of more being saved by God, hooah.

But I do believe it is for more.


~In the turmoil of any chaos, all it takes is that whisper which is heard like thunder over all the noise and the chaos seems to go away, focus returns and we are comforted in knowing that God has listened to our cry for help.~


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #9 on: February 15, 2022, 11:44:37 AM »
Right, we are not to follow the mob in doing evil, nor are we to align with the popular majority to avoid saying unpopular, but true, things. Our witness is essential, or God would not have warned Ezekiel to be a faithful watchman, warning the country when the enemy was coming.

I believe there are way too many good people, both Christians and non-Christian innocents, who deserve to have their lives or be saved, to have our country blow up due to the influence of a powerful corrupt minority. So if the nation needs to suffer some "birth pains," then amen--bring it on, Lord. But the idea is to encourage our society to conform to God's Law so that we will *not* be judged.


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #10 on: February 15, 2022, 12:10:27 PM »
Right, we are not to follow the mob in doing evil, nor are we to align with the popular majority to avoid saying unpopular, but true, things. Our witness is essential, or God would not have warned Ezekiel to be a faithful watchman, warning the country when the enemy was coming.

I believe there are way too many good people, both Christians and non-Christian innocents, who deserve to have their lives or be saved, to have our country blow up due to the influence of a powerful corrupt minority. So if the nation needs to suffer some "birth pains," then amen--bring it on, Lord. But the idea is to encourage our society to conform to God's Law so that we will *not* be judged.

I believe you know me enough when I say that to not do action against evil, is evil.

Will the USofA take the evidence and "act" against the evil or will the USofA keep it all behind the narrative and say it isn't real???

For many years, as I read scripture and came upon verses dealing with "delusion," I was not able to truly comprehend such a delusion. But viewing personally and/or testimonially (is this really a word?), I have begun to comprehend what delusion truly is. But what about those who do not have delusion over them and are only "ignorant" of the true evil happening? Those are the one's who can take such evidence as we find with Durham's report(s) and decide to turn away from it and turn to God and stand against such evil.

The problem is the msm and most social media (censor truth/boot those who speak truth) does all they can to prevent the ignorant from receiving the evidence, so no decision is able to be made by many.

Kinda like "Christians" under the delusion that they are not to witness Christ to the lost and I've heard every excuse so they don't have to act on the command of the Great Commission, thus many remain ignorant of Christ's saving grace.
« Last Edit: February 15, 2022, 01:35:34 PM by Slug1 »

~In the turmoil of any chaos, all it takes is that whisper which is heard like thunder over all the noise and the chaos seems to go away, focus returns and we are comforted in knowing that God has listened to our cry for help.~


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #11 on: February 15, 2022, 01:45:36 PM »
Slug, yes I do know you, and in your post I agree with every part of what you're saying. We have a responsibility to preach the Gospel in the hope that some will be saved. And yes, the Durham report will discover who will respond to the evidence and who will not, no matter what. Some are genuinely naïve and need to know. Some don't care to know--I know some like that!

As you seem to indicate, there is a coverup. Unbelievably big news, and yet I have yet to see much coverage from the mainstream media. At least that's as of yesterday. I don't see how they can prevent the news from getting out? They can color it any way they want, but the people of America will be able to judge for themselves, I believe.

I've lived long enough to have gone through the Watergate scandal. I was a die-hard pro-Nixon in those days, although I was a bit young. I was very influenced by Pat Robertson (on TV), who turned me from my family upbringing in the Democratic Party to become a firm conservative Republican. I felt that Christian values were best being represented in the Republican Party, even if the values in the Democratic Party was more pro-people and seemingly more compassionate.

Since then, I question whether all the money being thrown at social welfare programs is real, in light of how the increase of wages is kept below the relative increase in inflation! ;) I continue to believe, however, there are some good moderate Democrats in that party. Manchin of W. VA seems like a reasonably moral man, and is willing to stand against the tide by the dictates of his own conscience.

« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 01:13:18 AM by RandyPNW »


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #12 on: February 16, 2022, 08:24:15 PM »
I'm utterly amazed that Durham made some pretty specific charges, which do implicate spying on President Trump. For a day or so the mainstream media (here in the US) went quiet--crickets.

But occasionally I've seen the mean-spirited editorial comments that "lying Fox New broadcasters" and "conservative pro-Trump Republicans" deniers are claiming things completely off target. And in some of these articles little argument is made to even show how we are "lying!" It is said that collecting data is not "spying,"  even though the special prosecutor is indeed identifying it as such.

But what can be done in a Democracy where the leading party is corrupt and completely immersed in this "crime?" What can be done when the major media companies, ABC, NBC, CBS, etc. are all married into the Democrat Party, and only cover pro-Democrat stories, and fill anti-Republican stories with shameless negative characterizations?

What can be done with extremely wealthy people like Soros, Bezos, and Gates who contribute money in support of the Democrats? What can be done when most of the major cable companies, MSNBC and CNN, carry anti-Trump rhetoric 24-7, and refuse to cover anything negative about Biden's son, about the failure of the Biden administration, and continually blame Trump, who is not now in power, for all the fires in town? I do believe, however, that some  are beginning to carry negative Biden stories.

What can be done when the major social media companies like Twitter and Facebook censer the complaints coming from Republicans, Conservatives, and Christians in matters that are not favored by the establishment Democrats? Every story that does not agree with the boards of these organizations are phased out or rendered "misinformation!"

What can be done when the major newspapers like the New York times carries the same kind of pro-Democrat rhetoric, refusing to call a Democrat administration into account? How can anything be done to rein in authoritarianism in the Democrat Party when they control the Senate, the House, and the Presidency, as well as some powerful Supreme Court sentiments--moderate Conservatives on the Court tend to trend in the direction of the majority on legal decisions?

What can be done when the Congress controls the committee appointments, and the Senate decides what issues it wants to address, and who can be subpoenaed to testify before that body?

And worst of all, what if the Democrats have so infested the FBI and the CIA, and the intelligence networks, that secret investigations and FISA courts are being manipulated to sanction surveillance on their Republican counterparts to dig up dirt on them? Even if they get caught subverting the law, nothing is done to the guilty parties!

In this case, Clinton had a 2-prong attack, the appropriation of the Dirty Dossier, which was proven to be a fraud. But it enabled an investigation into Trump through a fraudulent application for a FISA warrant, to look for more dirt on Trump, leaked to the Press so that Trump would be advertised as guilty in advance to the American public.

And two, Clinton hired a guy to bring illegally-gotten data to the FBI and perhaps to the CIA to justify pursuing a secret FBI investigation of Trump, setting up some of Trumps people, illicitly, in the process. Whereas Democrats don't seem to do time, any Republicans caught up in this illicit investigation did do time!

It all makes me quite angry. And Democrats should be very afraid if the Republicans find themselves back in power in the Congress. A lot of this will come out. It just hasn't come out because the Media has convinced the public that Trump was bad. That's why he lost the election, and for that reason I think it was an illicit election, even though the Media calls someone like me a "denier" and a "liar."

When the public is told by leaks from a corrupt government that President Trump is corrupt and going to jail, then the election has been tainted and rendered invalid. And I do hope many Democrats go to jail for this, even though it will never happen as long as all these groups bind themselves together in this evil cause.
« Last Edit: February 16, 2022, 08:27:30 PM by RandyPNW »


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #13 on: February 16, 2022, 09:03:51 PM »
None of this comes as a huge surprise. Unfortunately the media won't report on it and I doubt if it will have any lasting consequences.  Sad, but true.


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Re: US Russian Hoax
« Reply #14 on: February 16, 2022, 09:56:49 PM »
None of this comes as a huge surprise. Unfortunately the media won't report on it and I doubt if it will have any lasting consequences.  Sad, but true.

Hope springs eternal! :)
I have been noting sporadic coverage by liberal outlets, who at this point call it "old news" or "disinformation." But at some point they're going to have to eat their pride and admit something was amiss.


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