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Author Topic: The Prophetic Word  (Read 7304 times)

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The Prophetic Word
« on: May 19, 2021, 05:44:25 PM »
What I have found as I promote the Prophetic Word, is mainly a desire to avoid any mention of what the future may hold. People simply do not want to know.
Those who do have some interest in their future usually have already made up their minds as to what they want God to do for them. Mostly that means being taken to heaven in a 'rapture'. This Satanic lie has fooled millions.
People who do believe in an end times scenario; Preterism, Spiritualization of the Prophesies, or whatever, are made incapable by God of understanding the truth. Isaiah 29:9-12, 1 Corinthians 3:10-20
All this is part of Gods Plan, of course. Even though what will happen is plainly stated by all the prophets and available to read in our Bibles, most are just unable to comprehend it.   So when the sudden and shocking Day of the Lord fiery wrath comes and be sure that it will come: then the fiery test will hit them. 1 Peter 4:12   
All who call upon the Name of the Lord and stand firm in their faith, will be saved.  The rest not so good; Jeremiah 25:33, Isaiah 66:15-17, but most people will survive by keeping under shelter. Isaiah 2:21, Revelation 6:15-17
About 10 years later, Jesus will Return and commence His Millennium reign.

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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2021, 06:01:47 PM »
You have an interesting viewpoint keraz.
1 John 3:14 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abideth in death.

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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2021, 06:15:28 PM »
 Hmmm ???


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #3 on: May 21, 2021, 04:23:16 AM »
Sorry to seem as coming out swinging. [a boxing analogy]

I have intensively studied the Prophetic Word and feel that I have a good grasp of what the Lord plans for our future.
But I do not claim inerrancy and am open to correction and genuine discussion.

The subject of Bible Prophecy does not get the attention it deserves. This was OK in the past, however; it is apparent to any thinking person that the present world situation cannot continue for much longer.

What will happen to change it?
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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #4 on: May 21, 2021, 01:43:14 PM »
Sorry to seem as coming out swinging. [a boxing analogy]

...The subject of Bible Prophecy does not get the attention it deserves. This was OK in the past, however; it is apparent to any thinking person that the present world situation cannot continue for much longer.

What will happen to change it?
🤣😂 throw it right on out there Bro! We need to be careful because this is not the controversial area. I agree that we cannot continue as we are but the way I understand the scriptures it will continue to get worse here in this world (all of creation groans) until the Lord says He’s had enough. There is a lot of attention on Bible Prophecy, it just does not all align with the way you interpret it. I don’t have time right now to dig out the scripture references that support the rapture and His return but look forward to a biblical discussion around our personal interpretations. 🤗


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #5 on: May 21, 2021, 03:55:33 PM »
I do love 1 Cor 3 and look so forward to the judgement of the saved so we can see how much we did right. What do you think of the scripture further in this letter (1 Cor 15) when Paul writes that a trumpet shall sound and in the twinkling of an eye the dead shall be raised? Is not this a ‘rapture’? Paul even tells us in 1 Thess 4 that He does not want us ignorant. That Jesus will descend from Heaven with a shout and the trump of God and the dead shall rise first. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together to meet the Lord in the air. I’m not saying I am positive of when the rapture will happen but I am sure it will happen. Pre, mid, post all have scripture to support. We will know who is right when we are all sitting at the great feast our Lord will prepare. I think the “when we all get to go” is only a small part of what all is coming before our Father cleanses this world we have messed up.
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 03:58:21 PM by Buckshot »


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #6 on: May 21, 2021, 05:19:24 PM »
Sorry to seem as coming out swinging. [a boxing analogy]

...The subject of Bible Prophecy does not get the attention it deserves. This was OK in the past, however; it is apparent to any thinking person that the present world situation cannot continue for much longer.

What will happen to change it?
🤣😂 throw it right on out there Bro! We need to be careful because this is not the controversial area. I agree that we cannot continue as we are but the way I understand the scriptures it will continue to get worse here in this world (all of creation groans) until the Lord says He’s had enough. There is a lot of attention on Bible Prophecy, it just does not all align with the way you interpret it. I don’t have time right now to dig out the scripture references that support the rapture and His return but look forward to a biblical discussion around our personal interpretations. 🤗

Thanks Buck.
Actually, just before the great Change to the world; the Lord's Day of fiery wrath, there will be a time of peace and security.  As Paul prophesies in 1 Thessalonians 4:3a
What I see as happening, is these mini wars between Israel and the Islamic peoples, will cease, as this latest one has.  An agreement will be made; Trump was on the right track and  there will be peace.
For a while!  Probably a quite short time, then Iran will do as their Prince, Daniel 10:13, demands and attempt to send a nuke missiles at Israel. That will be the trigger for the Lord to act and destroy them all. Ezekiel 7:14 Jeremiah 49:35-37. Psalms 7:12-16, +

! Corinthians 15:50-56 is a prophecy about the Great White Judgment; AFTER the Millennium and into Eternity,  Proved by Revelation 21:1-7, when there will be no more Death and God will wipe away every tear.
ALL the dead are raised to stand before God in Judgment. Revelation 20:11-15  It is not a 'rapture' and only those whose names are found in the Book of Life, will receive immortality.

May I ask how you came to believe in a 'rapture to heaven' of the Christians?
Was it your own careful study, or was it what you were taught and what your friends and family believe?
« Last Edit: May 21, 2021, 05:22:52 PM by keraz »
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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #7 on: May 22, 2021, 09:03:23 AM »
Hey Keraz,
 I’m aligned with a lot of what you believe will happen in Israel and also believe we are seeing it unfold now.  Think the rapture will happen but am not sure of when. I like to believe it will be prior to the seals being opened but am not convinced of any viewpoint yet. There will be a great calling of the dead and living one day where we will meet the Lord in the air. I’ve always heard that called the rapture. The problem for us is division on the interpretation of when and how. I’ve learned enough to honestly say, we will know for sure when we hear the trumpet 🤣😂
 Sure you can ask why I believe what I do. You can ask me anything. A friend asked me that on a job site in Upper Michigan about 21 years ago and I had to be honest with myself and say it was because of what I was taught growing up. So I started a new journey to seek the truth. Not based on what my parents and grandparents believed but what the Word teaches. This journey is still going today but I have earned a masters degree in ministry and a doctorate in theology along the way 🤗


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #8 on: May 22, 2021, 04:32:34 PM »
I find it very interesting that sincere Christians, learned and well qualified, are not definitive in their beliefs about what God has planned for our future.
The rapture: Nowhere does the Bible say humans will go to live in heaven. Jesus says it is impossible. John 3:13
                   When the gathering of those who remain alive happens, is when Jesus Returns. Matthew 24:30-31

The Seals: It is evident that we have experienced all the wars, famines and plagues as described and the Fifth
                Seal is all the Christian martyrs since Stephen.  Revelation 6:1-11

The great calling of the dead; This will happen after the Millennium. Revelation 20:11-15

Degrees and Doctorates; Very admirable to achieve these, but unless you questioned and rejected teachings that do not conform to the scriptures, you have been deceived.
Also Jesus said: I thank you Father, for hiding these things from the learned and wise and revealing them to the simple. Matthew 11:25
But Daniel 12:10 says that a few wise people will understand.   Pray to be among them!

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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #9 on: May 23, 2021, 01:35:07 PM »
A very wise sister told me one time when we were talking about angels, “we need to just agree to disagree” 🙃 I think that’s where we are. If Heaven is not for “humans” our Lord would not have had to died for us. We will be made new when we do rise. Our bodies will not hav the same characteristics it has now.
I used to be very dogmatic of what is to come from scripture but choose to trust what Jesus said will happen will happen. There are many different views and really none of them have bearing on salvation. Those that are saved by faith on Jesus will be wherever He wants us to be when we lay down this present body and we will love it. I do enjoy pondering and hearing how others believe things will unfold but I won’t argue or debate others on it because we cannot know for sure until it happens and is indisputably a fulfillment 😁


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #10 on: May 23, 2021, 04:48:11 PM »
As I said; most, no ALL the pastors and people like you Buck, simply refuse to get involved in a discussion of end time Bible prophecy.
The Lord has hidden it from them; Isaiah 8:16 and they are as Isaiah 42:18-20.

However, it is possible for anyone to gain a true understanding of what the Lord has planned for our future. It only requires one to put aside all previous theories and doctrines and simply read, prayerfully, all the Prophesies as Written. But most will only understand after the Lord's Day of fiery wrath. Isaiah 32:3-4, Isaiah 29:23-24

You say; 'we cannot know for sure until it happens'.
This statement is wrong, as God has not given us Prophecy in over a quarter of our Bibles, for us to not be able to understand it.  Amos 3:7
I can read it and see it clearly, why can't you?

Have you bothered to check out my website?
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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #11 on: May 23, 2021, 05:25:45 PM »
I believe He wants us to understand prophecy and what is coming but not let it be a point of division or worry about the time when things will happen. Everything is in His time. We can watch the signs and see things are close. The prophecy of things to come and things that have happened have many relevant uses in our ministries. It is but a part, just as differ spiritual gifts.

No, I haven’t checked your website. Not because I don’t think it will be interesting but I’ve read many prophetic wise men’s work about this or that being the fulfillment of different things and then a bigger world even happens and that one is determined to be the filament of the one already said to be fulfilled. I focus on pointing people to Christ and teaching people to live a life that shines His light. The main reason I replied to your original messages is because say the rapture is a lie from satan and I know you are wrong about that. It may not be called a “rapture” but a day will come that we (the ones that trust Jesus to lead us) will be called up to meet Him in the air.


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #12 on: May 23, 2021, 05:27:54 PM »
« Last Edit: May 23, 2021, 05:34:34 PM by Buckshot »


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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2021, 07:40:21 PM »
I believe He wants us to understand prophecy and what is coming but not let it be a point of division or worry about the time when things will happen. Everything is in His time. We can watch the signs and see things are close. The prophecy of things to come and things that have happened have many relevant uses in our ministries. It is but a part, just as differ spiritual gifts.

No, I haven’t checked your website. Not because I don’t think it will be interesting but I’ve read many prophetic wise men’s work about this or that being the fulfillment of different things and then a bigger world even happens and that one is determined to be the filament of the one already said to be fulfilled. I focus on pointing people to Christ and teaching people to live a life that shines His light. The main reason I replied to your original messages is because say the rapture is a lie from satan and I know you are wrong about that. It may not be called a “rapture” but a day will come that we (the ones that trust Jesus to lead us) will be called up to meet Him in the air.
As I am now 79, my time of evangelizing and missionary service is mostly past. My task now is to promote the Prophetic Word. Which for us today is, or should be of paramount importance.
However, I agree that it isn't a Salvation issue to be unaware of what God has planned for our future.

Re: The 'rapture'. We need to be clear about where the 'harpaso' of 1 Thess 4:17, is taking people to.
Paul does say that Jesus has descended from heaven, verse 16, then the Christian dead will rise......
Nowhere it is said or implied that Jesus goes back to heaven with those dead or alive people.
We know from Zechariah 14:3 and Acts 1:11 that Jesus will Return to the earth and in Rev 20 it states 6 times how He will reign as King over the world for the next 1000 years and Christians will be His priests and co-rulers. Revelation 5:9-10

As for believing that Christians will be raptured before any trials or testing, that idea is totally wrong and extra-Biblical. Therefore from the purveyor of lies.

Also note that those resurrected at Jesus Return, will only be the martyrs killed during the Great Tribulation.  Revelation 20:4-5   
NOT every Christian, or even every martyr. 
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 05:17:33 AM by keraz »
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Re: The Prophetic Word
« Reply #14 on: May 24, 2021, 07:05:15 AM »
I agree we are not told where we go right after we rise to meet the Lord. To be honest, I never gave it much thought. He could take us to an island paradise, Heaven, to battle, or wherever else He wanted, I have always been so looking forward to being with Him that it didn’t matter much where He leads. You do have me curious now though. I also agree our final place is to be back on a refurbished (purged) earth and not forever in Heaven. Where I differ in understanding is the rising group at that time. I thing the martyrs during the tribulation are a different group than those that are gathered in the “rapture”. I think the rapture is to raise all those that are saved. I believe there will be a separate rising for the “dead” (unsaved) for final judgement at the white throne.

So where do you believe the souls of those that are saved are at right now that are dead? You will probably say it’s another lie from satan or something but I believe those that bodies “sleep”, are alive and well in Heaven with our Lord now in spirit. I believe the “rapture” for the saved will be a person’s reunion of the old body that is recreated into our eternal body.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2021, 07:21:12 AM by Buckshot »


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