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Author Topic: The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24  (Read 87 times)

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The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24
« on: March 16, 2025, 09:53:42 AM »
The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24:

1)white horse rider(Mt 24 "many shall come in my name saying I am anointed(Christ)24:5
2)red horse rider who takes peace from the earth(wars and rumors of wars)24:6
3)Black horse rider who measures food (famines in different places)24:7
4)Pale(Green) horse rider is death and hell follows kills 1/3 with disease and war(pestilences)24:7
5)Under the alter thos who died for Jesus(they shall deliver you up)24:9
6)eathquakes,sun becomes black,moon becomes as blood(compare with Mt 24)Isa 2:19 men hiding in the holes of the rocks and in caves(joel 2:31)24:29
7)silence in heaven(because Jesus is returning with his angels and heaven is empty)24:30

What say ye?


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Re: The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24
« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2025, 10:37:25 AM »
Yeah, there is definitely a precise correlation between the seals and Matthew 24. The Revelation in fact, picks up where Daniel leaves off, breaking the seals he was told were sealed until the end time. It's amazing that the last book of the Bible ends with the conditions that began in Genesis, including the restoration of our fellowship with God. 66 books written over hundreds of years, dovetailing with a common thread telling the story of man's fall and long road to redemption through the love and mercy of God. 
Standing before the Judgment Throne we will retain only two things from this life: what God gave us, and what we accomplished with it.


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Re: The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24
« Reply #2 on: Yesterday at 06:24:26 AM »
The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24:

1)white horse rider(Mt 24 "many shall come in my name saying I am anointed(Christ)24:5
2)red horse rider who takes peace from the earth(wars and rumors of wars)24:6
3)Black horse rider who measures food (famines in different places)24:7
4)Pale(Green) horse rider is death and hell follows kills 1/3 with disease and war(pestilences)24:7
5)Under the alter thos who died for Jesus(they shall deliver you up)24:9
6)eathquakes,sun becomes black,moon becomes as blood(compare with Mt 24)Isa 2:19 men hiding in the holes of the rocks and in caves(joel 2:31)24:29
7)silence in heaven(because Jesus is returning with his angels and heaven is empty)24:30

What say ye?

The rider on the white horse, which is assumed to be the 1st Seal, but really doesn't say...

I interpret that white horse rider to be the coming pseudo-Christ mentioned later in the Matthew 24:23-26 verses.

The very first sign Jesus gave indeed was to not let any man deceive us. That I agree is the direct connection in Matt.24 to that white horse rider, however...

Later on at Matt.24:23-26, the context there is actually about a 'singular' false-Christ, not many "false Christs" like the KJV translators have it. Dr. James Strong in his Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defined Greek pseudochristos there in Matt.24:24 as 'a spurious Messiah'. And the actual context of the Matt.24:23 & 26 verses is the singular tense about that false-Messiah.

So what we actually have there in Matt.24 is probably where Apostle John got the idea of the coming of both a singular "antichrist" the brethren had already heard shall come, and then the "many antichrists" John said were already at work (1 John 2:18).

Thus I interpret the "many" that only say they are Christ of Matt.24:5 to mean the "many antichrists" already at work. And then the later pseudochristos (spurious Messiah) that will have power to work great signs and wonders as the actual "antichrist" John said the brethren had already heard shall come.

That then takes me back to the white horse rider, a singular individual mimic of how Lord Jesus returns on a white horse per Rev.19. I see that as the coming false-Messiah of Matt.24:23-26. No matter the warning of the coming false-Messiah is given at the first in Rev.6, because the link to that in Matt.24 is with Christ's very first warning to not allow any man to deceive us.

This pattern of Apostle John's "antichrist" (singular false-Messiah with supernatural powers) vs. the "many antichrists" (the many who only claim to be Christ with no supernatural power), I also see in the 2 Thess.2 chapter by Paul. The "man of sin" represents the coming singular false-Messiah, and the "mystery of iniquity" Paul said was already at work represents the "many antichrists".


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