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Clean the clutter
« on: November 04, 2023, 10:56:08 AM »
Over the years, we often allow items for which we have no immediate use to accumulate in our garage or attic. We're often reluctant to throw them away on the off-chance we may need them later, or perhaps we just hold on to them for sentimental reasons. Over time, this accumulation can get out of hand. Many garages are so full of clutter that the car, for which the garage was designed in the first place, cannot even fit inside.

As time goes by, we realize we should get rid of the items, since they only take up valuable space, and serve no useful purpose. Yet, we keep putting off taking action, and simply continue to work around the junk, vowing all the while, that we will get around to disposing of it one day—perhaps even as we continue to add more items.
In a similar way, in the course of our lives, we sometimes accumulate mental and emotional junk that does nothing more than clutter up our hearts and minds. It might be some wrong done to us that we can’t let go of, a wrong of our own for which we have not yet forgiven ourselves, regrets or misgivings about bad choices we’ve made, or even idle pondering of what might have been….if only.

Such internal clutter can be mentally, emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually detrimental. Inner turmoil and stress can impact our health, rob us of our joy, and even hinder our relationship with God, family, or friends. And, like the clutter in the garage, it can take up space in our hearts and minds meant for things that belong there—like praise, peace, joy, love, and contentment, so that we may live life more abundantly as God intended.

Today is the day to finally clear out all that useless old mental and emotional clutter. Simply refuse to let one more day go by without disposing of it once and for all. Forgive. Seek forgiveness. Forgive yourself. Resolve problematic issues and extend the olive branch needed to mend damaged relationships. Truly free yourself from any issue past and present that produces stress and keeps you from living every day to its fullest.

Remove every obstruction that prevents you from fully reflecting God's marvelous light in your daily walk. Remember, it's that light, held aloft, that illuminates the path to God for those around us without hope and in spiritual darkness. Clean the clutter today, so your joy may be full and complete, and your little light can shine its brightest, unhindered, and unrestricted.
(After that, go clean out that garage or attic).
Standing before the Judgment Throne we will retain only two things from this life: what God gave us, and what we accomplished with it.


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