1.Matthew 24
2.The third temple built ?
3.What else in your opinion needs to happen so the end times comes ? The destruction of the throne of the devil ? The antichrist sitting on the throne in the most high. wether been the third temple or the seat of the pope ?
4.The seven bowls or the seven trumpets ?
5.The politica situation of of the war of God and Magog ( represented by Russia, China,India , and eastern countries vs the west Israel, USA, and Britain.
6. What else is needed to bring the end
I think your list of items are very valid topics aligned with Bible Scripture of events of SIGNS of the end which Lord Jesus gave His faithful Church that listen to Him.
1. Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 are Christ's Olivet discourse. Christ's Sign of not one stone atop another I see as a type of 'dual fulfillment' prophecy. The destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. represented an initial fulfillment of that SIGN, but did not fulfill the whole of the prophecy, because there are still many HUGE stones atop one another there today at the Temple Mount.
And the continued list of Signs in Jesus' Olivet discourse that He gave after that follow the events of the Seals of Rev.6, all the way to the event of His future coming to gather His Church.
2. Some don't like that idea about the Orthodox Jews in today's Jerusalem planning to build their 3rd temple, but Bible prophecy for the 'end' requires it. Apostle Paul was pointing to a literal stone "temple of God" in 2 Thess.2, simply because Lord Jesus warned about the coming Antichrist (or false-Messiah) that will come at the 'end' to setup the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in it which Jesus quoted for the end in His Olivet discourse. The Daniel 9:27 and Dan.11:31 "abomination of desolation" event requires... a standing Jewish temple in Jerusalem to fulfill that prophecy for the 'end'. No way around it. And today's Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem already have the materials ready to build their 3rd temple.
3. The idea that a Catholic pope is the Antichrist is actually an old belief by the Protestant Reformers of the 15th-16th centuries in Europe. The early Protestants were persecuted by the Catholic Church then, and held war against them. The Reformers (Protestants) thus thought the Bible prophecy about the Antichrist was then coming true, and that the pope then was the coming Antichrist. That prophecy failed in their day; the pope was not... the Antichrist, and as also required by the Bible prophecy for the 'end', Jesus did NOT return back then to defeat the pope as the Antichrist.
Some denominations continue to hold to that old Reformer's belief about the Catholic Church and a pope. And because of the old pagan Roman empire, these same ones who keep pushing those old Reformer's ideas associate the Catholic Church with the ancient pagan Roman empire just because of it being in Rome, and because of some the Catholic Church's vain un-Biblical policies. Yet there are Protestant denominations that also contain vanity within them too; even Lord Jesus' 7 Messages of Rev.2 & 3 revealed five out seven Churches in Asia had problems within them. (And no, I am not a Catholic. I am a Protestant Christian. My French ancestors came to the Americas in the 1600's to flee Catholic persecution in France because they were French Huguenots, the first French Protestants.)
4. Jesus returns on 7, 7, 7. (7th Seal, 7th Trumpet, 7th Vial). Jesus gave ONLY 7 main SIGNS of the end in His Olivet discourse, which are the Seals of Revelation. His Book of Revelation simply divides the events of those same 7 Signs into 21 descriptions. Satan comes as the pseudo-Messiah on 6, 6, 6. And don't be fooled by the Rev.13 passage that says that 666 is a number of a 'man', as if it must be some flesh man, when God created even the angels with that image of man from His Own image per Genesis 1.
5. The Gog-Magog event of Ezekiel 38 & 39 is the battle of Armageddon on the last day of this world when Jesus comes to fight it with His army from Heaven. That will involve a final attack by Satan and his hosts leading the armies out of the northern quarters against the nation of Israel AND the western Christian nations.
The Gog-Magog battle when Satan and a great host of deceived nations come up against the "camp of the saints" after Christ's future 1,000 years reign, is a final future battle, and not the event of Ezekiel 38-39. The difference is 'where' the attack happens with the two Gog-Magog Scripture examples.
6. What else for the end? A time when the planned "one world government" will be fully established on earth, with a literal world peace for the wicked and deceived. It will then be easy to single out those who remain in Christ that will refuse to bow to the "image of the beast" that the false-Messiah will setup like Nebuchadnezzar did with the gold idol image, requiring all to bow in worship to it, or be killed. Those who remain in Christ that refuse to bow, or refuse the mark of the beast, will be turned in even by deceived loved ones. They will think the coming pseudo-Messiah will be Lord Jesus Himself having come, working those great signs and wonders Jesus warned us about.