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Author Topic: - Enticed By Temptation -  (Read 1495 times)

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- Enticed By Temptation -
« on: June 05, 2021, 11:33:11 PM »
Matthew 26:41, “Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation. The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak”
1 Corinthians 10:13, “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able”

Temptation is an urge to do something we know is wrong and certainly troubles each one of us, saved or unsaved. Thus, no one on this earth is temptation proof. Even mature believers in Christ have weaknesses in their spiritual armor that make them vulnerable to Satan’s attack. It may well be something we tend to excuse like impatience, pride, arrogance; programs we shouldn’t watch or places we shouldn’t be in. Maybe it’s gossip, or a short temper. I’m quite sure you will be able to add to the above list of your own temptation. I would venture to say, that nearly every day we must choose between doing what pleases the Lord and what appeals to our old nature and selfish desires.

Traveling the highways by automobile you probably have seen load limit signs especially on bridges. Or if you have taken an elevator to your office or in a department store, or hotel, the elevator has a load limit, just as the bridges do. The engineers who designed these structures knew that too much strain or weight, could and would, cause severe damage or even complete collapse. You could also make the argument that the same limits apply to us as individuals! As human beings, we also have limits of our own, but those limits vary from person to person. If you have been born again, Jesus Christ knows our limitations, and will never allow any difficulties to enter our lives that exceed our strength and ability to endure. This is especially true when we are enticed by a temptation to sin. 1 Corinthians 10:13 puts it this way, “God is faithful, who will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you are able.”

Further reflection:

My neighbor told me about a dog he had when he was a boy. His father would occasionally test the dog’s obedience by placing a juicy piece of meat on the floor and gave the command, No! The dog was placed in a most difficult situation, to obey or disobey his master’s command. John said, “The dog never looked at the meat.” He seemed to feel that if he did, the temptation to disobey would be too great. So, he looked steadily at the father’s face. My brethren, the spiritual application of the illustration is to keep our eyes fixed on the Lord Jesus Christ when confronted by the enticements of Satan.

Satan’s schemes always begin with a lie, a false lead; a subtle twist to the truth, which if acted on will tear us away from God. His proposals rarely seem evil, because our minds are repelled by obvious evil. More often they come disguised as good. Satan adds a trace of grace and beauty to every lure, lest we recognize its deadly nature. It is easy to be taken in. James 4:7 tell us to “resist the devil and he will flee from you”. My brethren, counter Satan’s lies with truth when they first enter your mind. Meet them immediately with a word from God and banish him, as you would shoo away a pushy salesman, before he gets a foot in the door. Call to mind a verse or portion of Scripture that speaks to the particular lie Satan is selling you and submit yourself to God’s Eternal Truth found in His precious Word.

The only way to overcome
Temptations that we face
Is to be focused on the Lord,
Who strengthens by His grace? - Sper

We need to know God’s truth to see through Satan’s lies.


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Re: - Enticed By Temptation -
« Reply #1 on: June 18, 2021, 09:39:28 AM »
I'll tell you Abednego + 2,
What helps me in fighting off temptation is truly understanding what it means that Christ bore our sins. He came into this world and was sinned against. Just contradicting him is bad enough, but he was sinned against in a gruesome way, yet he bore mankind's sins and continued showing mercy out of love for his abusers. All sin is against God. It's mistreatment of him. It's like slapping Christ in the face, or spitting on him, or piercing him with nails. With those thoughts, temptation isn't appealing at all.


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