I’ve sent out a couple of messages to some that we have kept in contact from back in the day. Hopefully they will show back up
Sorry it took so long to get registered. It’s been crazy around here. Short update on our life. Gina (shortstuff from the old BF) and I ended up keeping 5 of the foster kids that came through our home bringing out kid total to 7. Good number to stop on since that’s the number God felt like was enough days LOL. We have 4 grand babies now also. Our oldest son also pastors a church. I’m still pastor at Promise Land in Lufkin and work a secular job. I think this has been the craziest year in churches since the civil war. Never thought we would be broadcasting online. Covid comes and we all became televangelist overnight LOL.
Enough about me, I gotta start reading through other intros to catch up!