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I Knew Him-The Innkeeper
« on: October 07, 2024, 11:24:36 AM »
The Innkeeper

Did I know him?  Why, I was there when he was born.  I run a small inn in a small town by the name of Bethlehem.  It isn't a large town.  The only reason it is known at all is that King David was born here.  Like most small towns, things are usually fairly quiet.  That is until Caesar ordered everyone to go back to the town where their ancestors had lived to register and pay a new tax.  So much for a quiet life, at least for the foreseeable future. 

It didn't take long for the town to fill up.  After all everyone who's ancestors had lived in Bethlehem had to come.  And, even if they had small families that's a lot of people.  And, face it, we Jews are not known for small families.  Needless to say, my inn was soon filled to the brim, with no chance of change any time soon.  Truth be told, there wasn't a room to be had in the entire area.  Mind you, I'm not complaining.  After all, more people means more money, and what business man doesn't like that. 

So, in the middle of all this I get a knock on my door.  Right away I knew what it was.  Someone needed a place to stay.  That didn't surprise me.  With everything that was going on someone needing a place to stay was normal.  What surprised me was who they were.  Not that they were anyone special.  Just a man and his young, very pregnant, wife.  I'm an innkeeper, not a physician, but even I could see that she had no business taking a trip.  Not in her condition.  The trouble was, I didn't have any place for them to stay, and I told them so. 

Naturally they were dejected.  I could tell they were tired as they turned to go.  They must have tried everywhere else.  I couldn't let them sleep in the street.  Not with her in her condition.  She looked like she was about to give birth right there.  I soon found out I wasn't far wrong.  I did the only thing I could think of.  I let them have some space in the stable.  It wasn't much, and certainly not what a woman about to give birth should have.  But it was all I had, and at least it was clean, dry, and somewhat private, if you don't mind the animals, that is. 

It wasn't long before the woman gave birth.  It was a boy, and such a boy.  I don't know what it was.  There was something about him, even then.  I don't know what it was.  The only way I can describe it was there was a "presence" about him.  I will never forget him, or that night.  And not just because of the crowds, or the shepherds and Kings that showed up and worshiped him.  That was unforgettable as well.  But it was the child that I'll never forget.  The rest will fade but never him.
May God bless you as you seek to do God's will


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