« Last post by IMINXTC on Yesterday at 10:24:51 PM »
Prolly good timing as particular poster incorrectly cited and misinterpreted numerous verses - denoting several as 'absolute proof.'
Cain't argue with them that be infallible.
« Last post by Fenris on Yesterday at 12:28:54 PM »
Davy left because I told him he couldn't abuse Fenris.
Only the regulars are allowed to abuse me. Because I know you guys love me!
« Last post by Athanasius on March 26, 2025, 03:01:05 PM »
Davy left because I told him he couldn't abuse Fenris. Yeahhhhhhh we're not going to be playing the "decieved Jews" game. So that stops now and there are no second chances if it's brought up again.
To Whom It May Concern: I do not like to argue for argument's sake, as some here do. I don't have time for silly arguments just because someone doesn't like what is being taught from God's Word as written.
What does the pesky New Testament have to say to this?
"Now the Berean Jews were of more noble character than those in Thessalonica, for they received the message with great eagerness and examined the Scriptures every day to see if what Paul said was true."
Fenris is our dear friend, and though he does not live in Berea, it doesn't matter so much given that he is examining your message, just as Paul's was examined. Imagine Acts 17:13, "And Paul ignored the Berens". (I misspelt that on purpose.)
« Last post by Cloudwalker on March 26, 2025, 12:56:57 PM »
We had a 3rd rehearsal for our new drama ministry production. Please keep us in your prayers. The show can be so emotionally draining that our youngest "Angel" ended up in tears. I don't blame her. There are times I am almost moved.to.tears myself. In this production the events of Holy Week are told through the eyes of the Angels.
« Last post by teddyv on March 25, 2025, 03:25:16 PM »
We've been the thankful victim of divine intervention!
We've been installing a new door between our entryway and (attached) garage so that we don't have to go outside whenever we want to access the garage. Well, as "luck" would have it, while the frame was being cut out of the wall we discovered signs of a water leak. £90 later it's fixed, but it would have been so much worse had we not found it at all.
"Luck", huh.
Something similar recently for us. Noticed a bit of water around the tub and got it pulled out. Cost a bit more, but better than a lot more water in the area. We were planning a reno there anyway. Just moved up the timeline.
« Last post by Fenris on March 25, 2025, 01:56:55 PM »
We often see prophecy through a west-centric paradigm. "Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" Actually refers to the modern state of Turkey. This fact aligns closely with the idea that future beast kingdom will be an Islamic union rather than a European one.
I mean, maybe, but the biggest killers of Jews historically were Europeans. Rome, in 70 and again in 120, and then in modern times Nazi Germany.
Welcome Davy 
Which direction will Russia go, particularly in light of the Gog prophecy? It's a darn good question. I have a bit unusual perspective, though I got my ideas from others. I think the Beast Empire will be European Civilization uniting East and West, including Russia and the US, and all of Europe. However, until that happens Russia and the US are like the thumbs on left and right hands, and they seek the sphere that enables them to be dominant in the roles they play.
Right now, Russia is decompressing from the fall of the Soviet Union, and trying to establish itself as a major player, having isolated itself during the Cold War. I expect that instead of taking on the entire world, Russia will have to concede a lot in order to become the powerful player it already is.
Russia is still able to rely on partner China to be the rogue operator on the world stage. As long as it has China as an ally, what is to prevent it from being adventurous, particularly since China itself operates freely as a bully on the world stage?
At some point, I think Russia will opt for European relations, instead of its alliance with China. And that becomes more feasible as Europe loses its Christian identity and becomes more socialist. That's a sad state of affairs, and yet the reality, as I see it. We often see prophecy through a west-centric paradigm. "Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal" Actually refers to the modern state of Turkey. This fact aligns closely with the idea that future beast kingdom will be an Islamic union rather than a European one. There is this great battle of Gog mentioned in the Bible. The one in Rev 20 appears to be the same player, but at a different time, after the Millennium, or at the end of it. This player is likely Russia, in my view.
So yes, there is this great battle coming to invade Israel. I'm just not sure if it will be with adventurous Russia that we now see, with China's support, or in an alliance with Europe in the Antichristian alliance? I am of the opinion that it will be an Islamic union as the nations mentioned are all middle eastern ones. It's only our western paradigm that causes us to see "Gomer" as Germany and "Russ" as Russia. The deadly wound healed is a resurrection of the Ottoman caliphate.
Later on at Matt.24:23-26, the context there is actually about a 'singular' false-Christ, not many "false Christs" like the KJV translators have it. Dr. James Strong in his Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defined Greek pseudochristos there in Matt.24:24 as 'a spurious Messiah'. And the actual context of the Matt.24:23 & 26 verses is the singular tense about that false-Messiah. The "Christs" in Matt 24:24 is "pseudóChristoi". It is plural in the original greek text so "Christs" is not a KJV invention. You are misunderstanding Strong. He is referring that any false christ is spurious not that the plural term really means singular. If he did, that would be error.
« Last post by Fenris on March 23, 2025, 11:06:23 AM »
That's a really nice post Fenris. For the Christian, the context of some of the situations you mentioned could be discussed, but I'd rather leave it as a contrasting viewpoint since you did such a good job.
Thank you! These are the discussions that I'm here for.
NEW, davy from USA
Yesterday at 10:24:51 PM
Watcha doing?
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