Psalms 107:2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

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Messages - shepherdsword

Pages: [1]
Controversial Issues / Re: US Presidental Election
« on: Today at 04:53:10 PM »
Just the opposite is the feeling out of the cities…

Trump 320+ electoral college
And popular vote +1.6%

pretty shocking how close you got

In General / Re: Plot holes
« on: Today at 04:46:28 PM »
In "The Ghost and the Darkness," Val Kilmer's character narrowly escapes death when his rifle jams while taking aim at an approaching lion. Michael Douglas' character tells him, "they have a saying in boxing that everybody has a plan until they get hit. You just got hit, my friend." The problem? The events depicted in the movie took place in 1898, while the boxing quote was by Mike Tyson in 2012.

Tyson was quoting Charles Remington from

My days of being a moderator are done. I am an admin on too many christian facebook groups to have time even post...much less

Talk to the Moderators / Re: I was a Moderator here once before
« on: March 16, 2025, 11:23:08 AM »
Hi Randy,
That archive link is awesome. Thanks (seems I can't "like" posts yet)

Eschatology / The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24
« on: March 16, 2025, 09:53:42 AM »
The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24:

1)white horse rider(Mt 24 "many shall come in my name saying I am anointed(Christ)24:5
2)red horse rider who takes peace from the earth(wars and rumors of wars)24:6
3)Black horse rider who measures food (famines in different places)24:7
4)Pale(Green) horse rider is death and hell follows kills 1/3 with disease and war(pestilences)24:7
5)Under the alter thos who died for Jesus(they shall deliver you up)24:9
6)eathquakes,sun becomes black,moon becomes as blood(compare with Mt 24)Isa 2:19 men hiding in the holes of the rocks and in caves(joel 2:31)24:29
7)silence in heaven(because Jesus is returning with his angels and heaven is empty)24:30

What say ye?

Talk to the Moderators / Re: I was a Moderator here once before
« on: March 16, 2025, 08:37:22 AM »
Ah...I was hoping some of the old data would be preserved. A fresh beginning it is then!

Welcome / A big shout out to all of the old (and new) gang
« on: March 16, 2025, 05:12:12 AM »
I just heard about this new domain. I was a member of the old site for 12 or so years. I spent the last 6 as a mod.


Hello All,

I never received the domain name notification.  Perhaps it was sent to an email account I no longer monitor. In any case I see a number of the old gang on here and it is good to see some familiar faces.

God Bless

Talk to the Moderators / I was a Moderator here once before
« on: March 16, 2025, 04:55:57 AM »
Hello all,
I was a Mod here when shutdown years ago.
I was never notified about the domain name change. (from .org. to .us) I am not sure if that was by design or not. ;D  In any case, how is everyone? Who is on the leadership team now? It looks like my name was never ported over to the new database so I had to re-register. The old site just up and disappeared one day with a big ole "404" error. I am not sure what happened.


Pages: [1]

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