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Eschatology / Re: Gog's endtime construction?
« on: Today at 07:49:10 AM »
Which direction will Russia go, particularly in light of the Gog prophecy?
It's a darn good question. I have a bit unusual perspective, though I got my ideas from others. I think the Beast Empire will be European Civilization uniting East and West, including Russia and the US, and all of Europe. However, until that happens Russia and the US are like the thumbs on left and right hands, and they seek the sphere that enables them to be dominant in the roles they play.

Old thread, but still very important for today.

I highly recommend a book named New Lies For Old by Anatoliy Golitsyn.

He was an ex-KGB colonel who defected to the U.S. in the 1960's. That book he wrote in 1984, but in it he predicted that in the Soviet's 3rd Phase of their long-range disinformation strategy against the west, they might allow the Berlin Wall to come down. That happened in 1989-1990. You can find a facsimile copy of the book on

Golitsyn wrote another book in 1990 called The Peristroika Deception, continuing revelations about the Communist's long-range disinformation strategy against the west. He even quoted Gorbachev when he was asked after the Berlin Wall was taken down, if he still believed in the plan for world Communism, and Gorbachev said definitely yes.

So Golitsyn basically said the 'cold war' and Communism being over is nothing but a HOAX and part of the Russian Communist's long-range disinformation strategy against the West. In Golitsyn's book, he even mentions how Russian held religious summits inviting Christian pastors from the West are designed to plant disinformation in the Churches in the West to preach their idea of 'social religion' and not 'revealed religion', an idea that ex-FBI agent Cleon Skousen also mentioned in his book The Naked Communist.

And one of the goals Golitsyn said that was part of the Soviet long-range disinformation strategy is the plan for a one-Socialist Europe, from the Urals to the Atlantic.

Thus I believe world Communism is being used as a 'tool' to bring in the coming one-world beast government and kingdom. It simply ain't over, because the fat lady has not sung yet. And if one reads Georgetown history professor Carrol Quigley's 1960's book Tragedy and Hope, one will find that he says "the establishment" often works with Communism and has no problem doing so. Quigley himself was an "establishment" insider, as even ex-President Bill Clinton was taught under him at Georgetown University, and Clinton endorsed Quigley in his inaugural speech.

Eschatology / Re: Zechariah 12
« on: Today at 07:26:54 AM »
At Zechariah 12:10-14, it is for after... the battle on the "day of the Lord", i.e., Armageddon when the nations of Ezek.38 come up against Jerusalem. And then those Jews of Romans 11 which Apostle Paul said God had blinded, will have that spiritual blindness removed, and they shall see Jesus Christ as He is, and will mourn for Him.

That nation list of Ezekiel 38 does not have any... Christian nation on it. So scratch ideas from Christ's enemies that try to claim the U.S. or any Christian nation will be part of that. Instead, Ezekiel 38 points to the nations of Russia, Persia (Iran, Iraq), Gomer (old Soviet satellite countries), Libya, and Togarmah (old Cappodicia, now the area of Turkey).

The Communist leaders of Russia I believe represent Jacob's unbelieving brother Esau who profaned his birthright from God by trading it for a bowl of beans. The prophecy in Genesis of the blessing given Esau by his father Isaac was that his place would be 'far away' from those things that were given to his brother Jacob (KJV has a scribe error on that Scripture). And thus Russia fits the bill, plus... it is obvious the 'radical' Islamic nations are being supported by Russia, so the "chief" prince of Meshech of Ezek.38 strongly points to modern-day Russia.

Esau married into both the families of the Canaanites, and the family of Ishmael (Arabs). Esau is obviously jealous of Jacob for having lost the Birthright. And Ishmael, Abraham's firstborn son (but not of Sarah per God's Promise), Ishmael too is jealous of Jacob having received God's Birthright.

And many of the leftover Canaanites became bondservants to Israel, and they also may have a play against and 'within' Israel in the last days. Daniel 11 about the "vile person" for the end, which I believe is the final Antichrist at the end, that Chapter says he will come to power with "a small people". I believe that "small people" represents false leaders of Israel at the end of this world which will push that "vile person" to be king-Messiah, and trick the majority of Jews in Jerusalem at the end into believing that Messiah has come.

I interpret Christ's Olivet discourse as covering only a 'dual prophetic' fulfillment of the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. The rest of Christ's Olivet discourse covers Signs specifically for the end of this world, leading up to Christ's future return.

I was raised in a Preterist mainstream Protestant Church, but I didn't know then what man's doctrine of Preterism was. They believed most of Revelation was fulfilled, and only Christ's future return was still lacking. That's called Partial-Preterism. Full-Preterism is the belief that Jesus' 2nd coming already happened back in the days of His Apostles, and that it was meant in the spiritual sense only, and not as a literal bodily return. Both in my opinion are failed doctrines of men, disproven by historical fact, and by overwhelming Scripture evidences that point directly to the latter days of this world, long after 70 A.D.

In the Matt.24:32-35 Scripture about the "generation" Jesus mentioned, He is pointing to the final generation that will 'see' all those Signs of the end that He gave.

Matt 24:32-35
32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:
33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.
34 Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.
35 Heaven and earth shall pass away, but My words shall not pass away.

The condition Jesus set in the above is that "generation" will "see all these things", meaning those Signs Jesus gave in His Olivet discourse. The very last Sign Jesus gave in the Matt.24:29-31 verses is about the day of His future coming to gather His saints, and He showed that will happen AFTER... that tribulation, meaning the "great tribulation" of verse 21. So there is yet another Biblical proof that His Olivet discourse Signs are for the very end of this world, in the final generation on earth, simply because His coming to gather His saints has not happened yet today.

Some will say, but that not one stone atop another Sign Jesus gave happened already, in 70 A.D., when the Roman army destroyed Jerusalem and the 2nd temple!

I see that as a 'dual prophecy' only partially fulfilled in 70 A.D. Just as Antiochus Epiphanes in 165 B.C. took Jerusalem and sacrificed swine inside the 2nd temple at Jerusalem, and then setup an IDOL abomination in Zeus worship 'partially' fulfilled the Daniel 11:31 prophecy about the coming Antichrist, likewise the not one stone atop another prophecy for 70 A.D. served as a 'partial' fulfillment.

Per the great earthquake of Rev.11 on the 7th Trumpet, and per the Zechariah 14 Scripture about the day of Christ's future return to the Mount of Olives, with a great valley being formed, that in my opinion will complete that 'not one stone atop another' Matt.24:2 prophecy.

The only further historical events aligned with Christ's Olivet discourse other than the 70 A.D. fulfillment of the destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd temple, are the "many" that come claiming to be Christ. There were false Christs going back in history even in that time, just as there are still many today in my era that have claimed to be Jesus Christ. So really that idea is on-going fulfillment that will culminate in the coming of the actual Antichrist at the very end of this world.


The seven seals and how they relate to Matthew 24:

1)white horse rider(Mt 24 "many shall come in my name saying I am anointed(Christ)24:5
2)red horse rider who takes peace from the earth(wars and rumors of wars)24:6
3)Black horse rider who measures food (famines in different places)24:7
4)Pale(Green) horse rider is death and hell follows kills 1/3 with disease and war(pestilences)24:7
5)Under the alter thos who died for Jesus(they shall deliver you up)24:9
6)eathquakes,sun becomes black,moon becomes as blood(compare with Mt 24)Isa 2:19 men hiding in the holes of the rocks and in caves(joel 2:31)24:29
7)silence in heaven(because Jesus is returning with his angels and heaven is empty)24:30

What say ye?

The rider on the white horse, which is assumed to be the 1st Seal, but really doesn't say...

I interpret that white horse rider to be the coming pseudo-Christ mentioned later in the Matthew 24:23-26 verses.

The very first sign Jesus gave indeed was to not let any man deceive us. That I agree is the direct connection in Matt.24 to that white horse rider, however...

Later on at Matt.24:23-26, the context there is actually about a 'singular' false-Christ, not many "false Christs" like the KJV translators have it. Dr. James Strong in his Strong's Exhaustive Concordance defined Greek pseudochristos there in Matt.24:24 as 'a spurious Messiah'. And the actual context of the Matt.24:23 & 26 verses is the singular tense about that false-Messiah.

So what we actually have there in Matt.24 is probably where Apostle John got the idea of the coming of both a singular "antichrist" the brethren had already heard shall come, and then the "many antichrists" John said were already at work (1 John 2:18).

Thus I interpret the "many" that only say they are Christ of Matt.24:5 to mean the "many antichrists" already at work. And then the later pseudochristos (spurious Messiah) that will have power to work great signs and wonders as the actual "antichrist" John said the brethren had already heard shall come.

That then takes me back to the white horse rider, a singular individual mimic of how Lord Jesus returns on a white horse per Rev.19. I see that as the coming false-Messiah of Matt.24:23-26. No matter the warning of the coming false-Messiah is given at the first in Rev.6, because the link to that in Matt.24 is with Christ's very first warning to not allow any man to deceive us.

This pattern of Apostle John's "antichrist" (singular false-Messiah with supernatural powers) vs. the "many antichrists" (the many who only claim to be Christ with no supernatural power), I also see in the 2 Thess.2 chapter by Paul. The "man of sin" represents the coming singular false-Messiah, and the "mystery of iniquity" Paul said was already at work represents the "many antichrists".

Theology / Re: Riddle
« on: March 15, 2025, 12:42:34 PM »
I interpret it quite a bit deeper, according to our 'spirit' that dwells inside our flesh body which is released at flesh death, or on the day of Christ's future coming with being 'changed' at the "last trump". Our 'spirit' and 'soul' parts of our created being isn't of this flesh world. In John 3:6 Lord Jesus revealed this simply when He said, "That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." Thus our 'spirit' is eternally connected to God's Spirit, and that is how He can commune with us, and us with Him, via The Holy Spirit.

Theology / Re: Looking at Col. 2:16
« on: March 15, 2025, 12:34:49 PM »
I think some in Christ abuse that Col.2:16 Scripture, as also 1 Timothy 4:3-5 about the subject of God's health law.

I see God's health laws first given in the Old Testament time more like science than just religious dogma.

Shellfish is on God's do-not-eat list, and the reason ought to be simple. It's because shellfish are scavengers God created to cleanse the oceans and seas. That's too bad because I love shrimp, crab, and lobster. Yet eating a lot of shellfish can clog up your arteries, just as other scavenger meat will also do. So there's good reason why God originally commanded the Israelites to not eat from the unhealthy list of meats.

But under the New Covenant, the 'science'... behind that DID NOT CHANGE. It is still unhealthy to our flesh body to eat a lot of shellfish and scavenger meats. So can we really... say God's health law is now done away with in Christ Jesus? No, not really.

The difference is that in Christ we are FREED from religious penalties if we eat from the unhealthy list in God's law. Doesn't mean our flesh bodies will be as healthy if we continually eat from the unhealthy list, and that because of the 'science' of the poisons in the scavenger meats, God having designed scavengers to cleanse the earth of impurities.

Theology / Re: Levite Priesthood and genesis 49
« on: March 15, 2025, 12:19:34 PM »

i find this odd considering the tribe of Levi is the tribe of the priesthood and they are the one who the covenant comes through.

i also find it extremely odd because the only tribe the warning is applicable to is the tribe of Levi as no other tribe is known for their council or assembly. however despite this warning, the Levites go on to lead the entire assembly of israel and all of israel ends up under the council of Levi in the priest hood and under moses who is also a levite.

Like the start of that Genesis 49 chapter says, those are all... prophecies for the end of this world, the latter days, and the one given about Judah includes the time of Christ's future return, so it's the literal "last days" Jacob was pointing to, and that would mean under the New Covenant, when the Levitical priesthood was no longer a requirement.

Per the history of the Jews after God split old Israel into two separate kingdoms, the tribe of Levi became joined with the "house of Judah" at Jerusalem/Judea which was made up of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin. Thus the "house of Judah", or "kingdom of Judah" became the 3 tribes of Judah, Benjamin, and Levi, even as it still is today in the holy land. A small remnant out of the northern ten tribes refused Jeroboam's calf idol worship also like the Levites did, and they too joined with the "house of Judah" at Jerusalem (See 1 Kings 11 thru 2nd Kings 17 and 2 Chron.11).

All the prophecies involving the other ten tribes in Genesis 49 involve today's existing lost tribes of Israel which today's Jews don't know where they are, nor does today's world. But God knows where they are, because He promised to gather them in final when Christ returns.

Eschatology / Are Line By Line Bible Studies Taboo Here?
« on: March 15, 2025, 12:01:52 PM »
I'm the type of Bible student that likes to quote a lot of Bible Scripture line upon line, offering the meaning after each verse. At times that means covering a whole Bible Chapter. Is that kind of thing banned here?

Eschatology / Re: What need to happen before the end times ?
« on: March 15, 2025, 11:42:04 AM »
1.Matthew 24

2.The third temple built ?

3.What else in your opinion needs to happen so the end times comes ? The destruction of the throne of the devil ? The antichrist sitting on the throne in the most high. wether been the third temple or the seat of the pope ?

4.The seven bowls or the seven trumpets ?

5.The politica situation of of the war of God and Magog ( represented by Russia, China,India , and eastern countries vs the west Israel, USA, and Britain.

6. What else is needed to bring the end

I think your list of items are very valid topics aligned with Bible Scripture of events of SIGNS of the end which Lord Jesus gave His faithful Church that listen to Him.

1. Matthew 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21 are Christ's Olivet discourse. Christ's Sign of not one stone atop another I see as a type of 'dual fulfillment' prophecy. The destruction of Jerusalem and the 2nd temple by the Romans in 70 A.D. represented an initial fulfillment of that SIGN, but did not fulfill the whole of the prophecy, because there are still many HUGE stones atop one another there today at the Temple Mount.

And the continued list of Signs in Jesus' Olivet discourse that He gave after that follow the events of the Seals of Rev.6, all the way to the event of His future coming to gather His Church.

2. Some don't like that idea about the Orthodox Jews in today's Jerusalem planning to build their 3rd temple, but Bible prophecy for the 'end' requires it. Apostle Paul was pointing to a literal stone "temple of God" in 2 Thess.2, simply because Lord Jesus warned about the coming Antichrist (or false-Messiah) that will come at the 'end' to setup the "abomination of desolation" IDOL in it which Jesus quoted for the end in His Olivet discourse. The Daniel 9:27 and Dan.11:31 "abomination of desolation" event requires... a standing Jewish temple in Jerusalem to fulfill that prophecy for the 'end'. No way around it. And today's Orthodox Jews in Jerusalem already have the materials ready to build  their 3rd temple.

3. The idea that a Catholic pope is the Antichrist is actually an old belief by the Protestant Reformers of the 15th-16th centuries in Europe. The early Protestants were persecuted by the Catholic Church then, and held war against them. The Reformers (Protestants) thus thought the Bible prophecy about the Antichrist was then coming true, and that the pope then was the coming Antichrist. That prophecy failed in their day; the pope was not... the Antichrist, and as also required by the Bible prophecy for the 'end', Jesus did NOT return back then to defeat the pope as the Antichrist.

Some denominations continue to hold to that old Reformer's belief about the Catholic Church and a pope. And because of the old pagan Roman empire, these same ones who keep pushing those old Reformer's ideas associate the Catholic Church with the ancient pagan Roman empire just because of it being in Rome, and because of some the Catholic Church's vain un-Biblical policies. Yet there are Protestant denominations that also contain vanity within them too; even Lord Jesus' 7 Messages of Rev.2 & 3 revealed five out seven Churches in Asia had problems within them. (And no, I am not a Catholic. I am a Protestant Christian. My French ancestors came to the Americas in the 1600's to flee Catholic persecution in France because they were French Huguenots, the first French Protestants.)

4. Jesus returns on 7, 7, 7. (7th Seal, 7th Trumpet, 7th Vial). Jesus gave ONLY 7 main SIGNS of the end in His Olivet discourse, which are the Seals of Revelation. His Book of Revelation simply divides the events of those same 7 Signs into 21 descriptions. Satan comes as the pseudo-Messiah on 6, 6, 6. And don't be fooled by the Rev.13 passage that says that 666 is a number of a 'man', as if it must be some flesh man, when God created even the angels with that image of man from His Own image per Genesis 1.

5. The Gog-Magog event of Ezekiel 38 & 39 is the battle of Armageddon on the last day of this world when Jesus comes to fight it with His army from Heaven. That will involve a final attack by Satan and his hosts leading the armies out of the northern quarters against the nation of Israel AND the western Christian nations.

The Gog-Magog battle when Satan and a great host of deceived nations come up against the "camp of the saints" after Christ's future 1,000 years reign, is a final future battle, and not the event of Ezekiel 38-39. The difference is 'where' the attack happens with the two Gog-Magog Scripture examples.

6. What else for the end? A time when the planned "one world government" will be fully established on earth, with a literal world peace for the wicked and deceived. It will then be easy to single out those who remain in Christ that will refuse to bow to the "image of the beast" that the false-Messiah will setup like Nebuchadnezzar did with the gold idol image, requiring all to bow in worship to it, or be killed. Those who remain in Christ that refuse to bow, or refuse the mark of the beast, will be turned in even by deceived loved ones. They will think the coming pseudo-Messiah will be Lord Jesus Himself having come, working those great signs and wonders Jesus warned us about.

Welcome / NEW, davy from USA
« on: March 15, 2025, 11:10:20 AM »
Hello all.

I'm a Southerner, and ex-U.S. military aviation crew chief. I served in the USAF during the Vietnam War and afterwards traveled in the service around the world. My life's work has been mostly in the field of aviation. My main hobby in life has been music, guitar, and later in life writing for orchestra.

I am a Christian, baptized in Christ when I turned 40, and I was raised in a mainstream Christian denomination, but I have been non-denominational since I was baptized. I believe in a Post-tribulational coming by Christ and gathering to Him.

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