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Messages - 49ersALLS.F.

Pages: [1]
Is that reason that I’m a Pelican possibly that I’m from Australia, because a chain of islands is an archipelago? The Aleutian archipelago does run all the way from Alaska to Australia. An island chain or group of islands like Hawaii is only the tip of the iceberg so to say, the mountain range in the Pacific stretches from the Bering Sea to South Australia. The entire range is the partially submerged archipelago, with the State of Alaska, the Australian Continent, New Zealand and Hawaii all separate islands, in spite of being members of the same archipelago.

That’s an illustration of what I mean by my self introduction. I’m all sweetness and light, “God is Love” is one of my favorite one liners from the larger context of 1 John 4:7-21. However, there was a fall in the Garden of Eden. In truth, the polls bearing the Southern Criss, Cassiopeia, and Ursa Major are all geographically connected, but the little matter of the Flood separates them from each other. I’m all snow dove, and I’m from California. People really think I’m too friendly in real life, because I honor contacts for investments and payments under the auspices of the title “In God We Trust”. But besides God being Love, and Jesus having so loved the world, John 8: 23-36 details “You shall know the truth.”

I’m very New Testament and hardly ever bang away on the Ten Commandments, just because I’m extremely respectful and assume that a grown up person has the short passage committed to memory all ready.

I haven’t read Harry Potter. My younger sister read JK Rawlings and Ann Rice, and I’ve seen at least part of at least two of the movies. But I done know enough to “read in or between the lines”.

I am a Pelican. Pelicans have firm beliefs well grounded in a certain region. (I spelled that right, I meant region in that sentence, and have not yet begun to address my religion.)

I am a Pelican, and I navigate by polar stars.

In terms of Christianity, I’m essentially the same as everyone else, but am often misunderstood because my easygoing nature tends to be expressed and perceived by others as a bit too woke but simultaneously out of date, I’m a bit too “peace and love”/John 3:16 inclined for most people I run into in the Gay Times. I’m really friendly and outgoing in that old time “I love you, man! I love Jesus!” kind of way that was too ultra modern for my parents generation when they were still too young to have three Pelicates a piece themselves.

Still, in spite of my own easygoing nature, I’m scholarly and opinionated too.

Also, I’m a Pelican.

Pages: [1]

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