Theology / A look at 2 Timothy 3:16. The Value of God’s Perfect Word
« on: October 16, 2023, 02:21:54 AM »
2 Timothy 3:16. The Value of God’s Word
All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin , correcting faults and training in right living. Thus anyone who belongs to God May be fully equipped for every good work
So. What is this saying?
Sound Doctrine: Our creator God is from eternity past, present, and eternity future. He made man and woman is His perfect image (tzelem) “shadow” Adam and Eve walked as God’s perfect”shadow” until they disobeyed and sinned. Thus bringing sin into this world. However, God wanted a restored relationship with man. So. The Second Adam paid the price of sin of the First Adam. And we all know who the second Adam is We are “renewed” into relationship through the new birth. (John 3:3)
2. Reproof/convicting of sins
The Bible teaches us our wrong doings through the commandments. They act as a “school teacher” showing us what is right and what is wrong. Holy vs unholy. Clean vs unclean. They lead us to a righteous lifestyle and walk in faith
3. Train in right living (righteous living)
When we turn from our sins. And follow God’s commandments. We begin living a righteous life through obedience. That comes from our righteous salvation. Salvation is a one-time event. While righteous living is a lifelong action. We are saved unto obedience and good works.
The Servant
All Scripture is God-breathed and is valuable for teaching the truth, convicting of sin , correcting faults and training in right living. Thus anyone who belongs to God May be fully equipped for every good work
So. What is this saying?
Sound Doctrine: Our creator God is from eternity past, present, and eternity future. He made man and woman is His perfect image (tzelem) “shadow” Adam and Eve walked as God’s perfect”shadow” until they disobeyed and sinned. Thus bringing sin into this world. However, God wanted a restored relationship with man. So. The Second Adam paid the price of sin of the First Adam. And we all know who the second Adam is We are “renewed” into relationship through the new birth. (John 3:3)
2. Reproof/convicting of sins
The Bible teaches us our wrong doings through the commandments. They act as a “school teacher” showing us what is right and what is wrong. Holy vs unholy. Clean vs unclean. They lead us to a righteous lifestyle and walk in faith
3. Train in right living (righteous living)
When we turn from our sins. And follow God’s commandments. We begin living a righteous life through obedience. That comes from our righteous salvation. Salvation is a one-time event. While righteous living is a lifelong action. We are saved unto obedience and good works.
The Servant