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Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: March 06, 2023, 06:35:36 PM »
Minus the animus and disputation that recently bogged down this thread, I'd like to point out that the crux of the OP has yet to be addressed by anyone. That being, the list of parallel life events and attributes shared by Moses and Jesus -- which evince His being the prophet in question. To reiterate:

1. Both Moses and Jesus were spared from a massacre of infants.
2. Both appeared as God's spokesman after 400 years of His silence, during a period of Gentile oppression.
3. Both instituted a covenant in which blood preserved the faithful from God's judgment.
4. Both enjoyed an exceptionally close realtionship with God.
5. Both wielded supernatural power as divine credentials.
6. Both interceded for the people, seeking to shield them from God's judgment.
7. Both glowed with God's glory after being in His direct presence.

Of the billions of people throughout the history of the human race, all 7 of these are true only of Jesus and Moses. These striking parallels make Jesus "like" Moses in a very profound way, and this fact stands on its own merit even if one favors the view that Deut 18:15 refers to a succession of prophets rather than a particular individual.

On that last point, John 1:21 reveals that Jews of the first century were anticipating the appearance of a particular prophet associated with the coming of the Messiah. The context clearly indicates they were looking for someone that had been foretold. If the prophet they spoke of was not the one referred to by Moses, then who was he? Moreover, that passage is undoubtedly what Jesus meant when He said Moses wrote of Him. (John 5:45-47)

 That is a lie.  How have I not addressed it?


Eschatology / Re: Israel's Salvation
« on: March 06, 2023, 06:28:00 PM »
We can't talk about the weather, or a good book I read last week?

What do I care about your opinion of the weather?   What do I care about any book you call 'good'?  Hint....nothing.

You say you don't consider my Bible as 'Holy Writ'.  But, when I show you that you don't know what you're talking about with your Bible, the Old Testament, you retreat  to 'Judaism'. 

In other words, whatever we talk about, you wind up revealing you don't know what you're talking about. 


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: March 05, 2023, 06:08:33 PM »
The question was to reflect the lack of knowledge Fenris displayed in saying a curse or blessing is not a prophecy.  And, by the way, it was never answered.

Instead of engaging in good faith with Fenris on how Deuteronomy 27 should be best understood, you seem to have thought it better to instead ask a question to "reflect the lack of knowledge Fenris displayed". "Quick Fenris, go buy a bible!" (The bad faith here concerns the approach to anything Fenris replies with, which will be discarded as informed by 'Judaism', and therefore wrong).

Perhaps you two could discuss what you both mean by 'prophecy' to ensure there is no miscommunication happening.

My remark about Judaism was just.  Fenris saw it easier to base his statements on 'Judaism' then the Bible.

Fenris was answering your question: it's not about 'those who ...stand in their own righteousness' according to his understanding of Scripture, which yes, is informed by Judaism just as yours is informed by Christianity.

A 'Scriptural level'?  In other words talking about the Bible and interpreting the Bible are not the same thing.

No, you two are discussing passages of Scripture, which is an interpretive act necessarily. Just as you can't separate your reading of these words from the interpretation of them.

No, it's up to you and your 'buds'.  Not me.

My 'buds' don't have any input in that respect. And yes, it's on you. Be as heated and engaged as you want, just don't be rude about it.

I noticed you never chastised Fenris for mocking my always singing my name at the end of my posts. Never banned him for such. And I never reacted badly toward him for his rudeness. His unkind attitude. Nor did I run to you or anyone else to report it, as he did to you, begging you to ban me. "Come on Mods".

You were banned because you ignored my request to stop with the comments, not because Fenris complained (as he is perfectly free to do, as are you). Do you want to complain about Fenris' snarkiness? I've no problem asking him to cut it out, if you think he's crossed a line.

You're not running a Bible Forum here. You're running a Bible Bass Club. You just need to be part of the Club. Slap each other on the shoulder and run to each others aid, irregardless of who is right or wrong.

I'm not running anything, actually. I'm just an annoying gadfly that sticks her head out when someone talks about the 'emptiness of Judaism' when talking with someone who is Jewish, alongside, 'do you own a Bible' in place of good faith discussion.

And your 'offer' of inviting me to leave is both rude and a lie.  You're not 'inviting'.  You would just ban me.  If you were offering  an invitation I would refuse.  But, as I said, do as you want with your ban.  Don't blame it on me.

Not one for rhetorical flair eh? Oh well.

With that, it's time to move on with the discussion. Let's have no more of this particular back-and-forth for now.

So, where did my former post go?   

As I said, when you say something, you call it 'rhetorical flair'.   But when I say something, you call it 'gaslighting'.  What hypocrisy...and that from a so-called 'moderator'.   You're a disgrace to your position. 

You and this forum will go no-where.  Why?  Because of those like you who are in position of leadership.  Just look at the recent 'topics'.  What do you see?   Nothing.

May the LORD continue to bless you with 'nothing'.


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: March 04, 2023, 01:52:33 PM »

Gaslighting is a form of (psychological manipulation). It could be reflected in something like, "but I was only innocently asking if Fenris owns a bible," when the question was insidious in implication.

In this instance, intellectual dishonesty refers to the idea that by calling you out on your question(s), I'm representing "the prevalent 'wisdom' of Christianity today". How could I possibly take issue with that question in a forum 'Bible Talk' or 'Just Bible' -- surely, owning a Bible is paramount!

Let's remind ourselves of what you said:

Do you own a Bible? Quick, go out and buy one so you can answer in the affirmitive.

A prophetic blessing and a curse is a prophecy.  (Deut. 27:11-28:48)  Do you really own a Bible?

Daniel had a prophetic dream prophecy.  (Dan. 7:1-28)  Do you really own a Bible.

I didn't say you're scared of me. I said you're scared. You're scared to say what you really mean, by your own words.   Which, as I said, means what you do say is not to be believed. Pretty simple really.

So, you deflect to 'Judaism'. That way you can avoid the Bible. More proof of the emptiness of 'Judaism'. You would rather believe man's religion then the Bible.

You can speak the truth (or whatever you seem to think is the truth) without being all 'resounding gong' rude, and you are being rude in making uncalled-for comments. Fenris is clearly engaging with you at a scriptural level.

It's up to you whether you stick around. Be nice, or keep it up with the rude, uncharitable, unkind, graceless attitude, and I'll invite you to take it elsewhere.

The question was to reflect the lack of knowledge Fenris displayed in saying a curse or blessing is not a prophecy.  And, by the way, it was never answered. 

My remark about Judaism was just.  Fenris saw it easier to base his statements on 'Judaism' then the Bible. 

A 'Scriptural level'?  In other words talking about the Bible and interpreting the Bible are not the same thing. 

No, it's up to you and your 'buds'.   Not me.  I noticed you never chastised Fenris for mocking my always singing my name at the end of my posts.  Never banned him for such.  And I never reacted badly toward him for his rudeness. His unkind attitude.  Nor did I run to you or anyone else to report it, as he did to you, begging you to ban me.  "Come on Mods".

You're not running a Bible Forum here.  You're running a Bible Bass Club.    You just need to be part of the Club.  Slap each other on the shoulder and run to each others aid, irregardless of who is right or wrong.

And your 'offer' of inviting me to leave is both rude and a lie.  You're not 'inviting'.  You would just ban me.  If you were offering  an invitation I would refuse.  But, as I said, do as you want with your ban.  Don't blame it on me. 


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: March 03, 2023, 03:55:33 PM »

Let's see.  This thread is placed in the arena of 'Bible Talk' and 'Just Bible'.  Yet whether someone owns a Bible or not doesn't matter? 

My, my...the prevelant 'wisdom' of Christianity today.   Boggles the mind.


As I'm sure you're aware, I have little patience for gaslighting and intellectual dishonesty. Be nice; the next ban is permanent.

I don't even know what gaslighting means.  Nor do I understand why you say 'intellectual dishonesty'.  Where have I been 'intellecutally dishonest'? 

As I have said before, you do with your bans as you wish.  That doesn't stop me from speaking the truth. 


In General / Re: what are the "fundamentals" of the faith?
« on: March 03, 2023, 03:51:47 PM »
I'd be curious to hear what others believe the most important fundamental beliefs of Christianity are? Perhaps you believe they're enshrined in the creeds, or in your denominational statement of beliefs?

The fundementals of the Christian faith are these:

1.)  Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God.

2.)  Jesus Christ is the Second Person of the Godhead which is made up of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

3.)  Jesus Christ is the God/Man.  100% God.  100% Man. 

4.)  Jesus Christ is the Sacrifice for the sin of the world. 

5.)  Jesus Christ died, was buried, and rose again, because though He became the guilty party, there was no sin in Him. 

6.)  Jesus Christ now sits at the right hand of God the Father exercising His position as the believer's Advocate.

7.)  Jesus Christ will return one day and rule the world in Righteousness.

8.)  All of this is revealed in both Old and New Testaments which make up the Bible.  66 Books.  39 in the Old.  27 in the New.


Just Bible / Re: Why was Moses not allowed to enter the promised land?
« on: March 03, 2023, 03:28:08 PM »
Quote from: fenris
The obvious: Moses didn't follow instructions. The higher a spiritual plane a person is on, the more exacting the judgement.

Or as Jesus put it, "to whom much is given, much will be required."  To us, the punishment seems a little harsh for the offense, but God's standards and perspective are light years above ours. Still, God at least let Moses see the land from afar before he died.

(In Moses' defense, he didn't want the job in the first place, and at 120, and was probably getting a little cranky).

In the final analysis, after all he accomplished for God, it may simply have been time to retire him and let Joshua take the reigns of leadership.

Moses didn't want to just 'see' the land.  He wanted to go into the land. 

It doesn't matter that Moses didn't want the job in the first place.  And, Moses was ill tempered all of his life.  Remember the Egyptian he killed before fleeing into the wilderness?

No, it was not just a matter of retirement.  Moses sinned against God.  As a result God did not allow him into the promised land.


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: March 03, 2023, 03:14:44 PM »

Please respond to my post #(18).  You have had plenty of time.


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: March 03, 2023, 03:12:01 PM »
Do you own a Bible?   Quick, go out and buy one so you can answer in the affirmitive.

As I said, not cool. Let's pretend that we all have compelling reasons for believing what we do, and disagreement isn't tantamount to someone else not owning a bible.

This thread can cool off until tomorrow as well.

Let's see.  This thread is placed in the arena of 'Bible Talk' and 'Just Bible'.  Yet whether someone owns a Bible or not doesn't matter? 

My, my...the prevelant 'wisdom' of Christianity today.   Boggles the mind.


Theology / Re: all righteousness is from Christ
« on: February 22, 2023, 06:13:42 PM »

Any more like this and I'll be inviting you to cool off for a few days.

Do what you think best.  I will not be silenced liked 'Fenris' is with fear.  I believe and know what I am saying.


Theology / Re: all righteousness is from Christ
« on: February 22, 2023, 06:09:46 PM »

Theology / Re: all righteousness is from Christ
« on: February 22, 2023, 02:06:02 PM »

That doesn't mean he is the only voice. Who said "I am the first and I am the last"?  (Is 48) Is that Isaiah too?

Then why can't he describe things in the future?

I have said, multiple times, that its not about judgment but about mourning. Just as Is 60 is about rejoicing.


The generation that saw the destruction, descibing their feelings.

It has nothing whatsoever to do with judgement or standing on righteousness.

Judaism is about sanctification, not judgement.

God is the Author of the Bible. He speaks through those He chooses to write the Bible.  Isaiah wrote the Book of Isaiah. (Is. 48:12) is the Word of God spoken to and written by Isaiah.

Enough?  Yet you didn't answer the question.  Speaks volumes.

Of course Isaiah can speak to things in the future.  That is what I said.  (Is. 64:6) doesn't just speak to 586 B.C., as you say.   It speaks to those in the past, (Is. 64:2-3),  and future, (Is. 64:11).  "...we are all as an unclean thing, and all our rightousnesses are as filthy rags"

Yes, you 'say' a lot of things.  But I have showed you that (Is. 64) is about judgement.  You have showed me nothing.

Again, you're afraid to say what you really believe.  By your own testimony.  You say 'enough'. Why?  Because you don't want to answer my question.  My question is, if (Is. 64:6) is not speaking to all, then who are those itis not speaking to?   In other words, who are those who stand in their own righteousness?  You? Do you stand in your own righteousness?

So, you deflect to 'Judaism'.  That way you can avoid the Bible. More proof of the emptiness of 'Judaism'.  You would rather believe man's religion then the Bible.


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: February 21, 2023, 01:43:12 PM »

(Deut. 27:11-28:48) is about future consequenses of obedience or disobedience.  Just because it is a warning doesn't mean it isn't a prophecy.   And, how has it worked out for Israel?   Just like it foretold.

Do you own a Bible?   Quick, go out and buy one so you can answer in the affirmitive.

In (Dan. 7:1-28), if God is not speaking to Daniel in the vision/dream, who is? (Dan. 2:19) "Then was the secret revealed unto Daniel in a night vision..."  Who gave the dream to Nebuchadnezzar?  (Deut. 2:28) "But there is a God in heaven that revealeth secrets, and maketh known to the king Nebuchadnezzar what shall be in the latter days.  Thy dreams, and visions of thy head upon thy bed, are these"   Strange isn't it.  God gives a pagan king a dream/vision concerning latter days, before He gives it to the Jews. 

No, I haven't said that the Prophet is an Old Testament prophet.    Who is or will be the Prophet of (Deut. 18:15-19)?  He will be like unto Moses.

Un-Christlike?   I haven't mentioned Jesus Christ.  Why do you call me un-Christlike?   You find Christ in the New Testament, which you clearly said to me is not 'holy-writ'.  Thus if it is not Scriputre, then it has no authority.  So I cannot be 'un-Christlike' if the New Testament is not Scripture.

No, you're scared.  You're scared of the ban.  You're scared to say what you really mean and believe.  Thus, as I said, what you do say cannot be trusted.


Theology / Re: all righteousness is from Christ
« on: February 20, 2023, 06:23:55 PM »

Isaiah is the writer of the Book.  (Is. 1:1) "The vision of Isaiah...."  Do you really own a Bible?

Isaiah is a prophet.  God reveals to His prophets future things.  Do you really own a Bible?  Or rather, do you really believe the Bible?

No, it's not a different topic and you're the one that brought up (Is. 60) in the first place. 

Of course (Is. 64:3) is describing things in the past.  He is describing God coming down to Mount Sinai.  And he uses the term 'we'.  "Which we looked not for"   Isaiah identifies with the Jews at the base of Sinai just as he identifies with 'all', when he says "we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as filthyrags".

I showed you that (Is. 64) is about judgement.  I gave you the verses.  (Is. 64:5) "thou art wroth; for we have sinned"  (Is. 64:6) "we are all as an unclean thing, and all our righteousness are as filthy rags"   (Is. 64:6) "our iniquities, like the wind, have taken us away" thou has hid thy face from us, and hast consumed us, because of our iniquities"   To which you have nothing to say.  You have provided nothing.

Again, scared man, if " all our righteousness are as filthy rags" in (Is. 64:6) doesn't refer to 'all', then who are those who it does not refer to?   In other words, who are those who stand in their own righteousness.  You?   

So, are you saying there are those who do stand in their own righteousness.   Well, I just happen to agree that there are.  And what might their final end be?  They who stand in their own righteousness?   Book, chapter, and verse.


Just Bible / Re: A prophet like unto Moses
« on: February 20, 2023, 05:42:41 PM »

A prophetic blessing and a curse is a prophecy.  (Deut. 27:11-28:48)  Do you really own a Bible?

Daniel had a prophetic dream prophecy.  (Dan. 7:1-28)  Do you really own a Bible.

Again, yes, Moses was unique.  Just as the Prophet Whom God would raise up to be like unto Moses would be unique. (Deut. 18:15-19)   

There are always false prophets in the cesspool of Israel.  There will be only one Prophet raised up to be like unto Moses. 

I didn't say you're scared of me.  I said you're scared.  You're scared to say what you really mean, by your own words.   Which, as I said, means what you do say is not to be believed.    Pretty simple really.


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