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Messages - HJ73

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Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 14, 2021, 04:41:49 AM »
Hmm.. I still do not understand why it seems so difficult to understand that killing other beings is riskier than not to.

There is no difficulty. The scriptures presented throughout this thread refute the stance that eating meat is harmful in any physical or spiritual way.

If there is a risk to mankind's spiritual nature in relation with God by killing and eating animals, then please... present the Scriptures for this discussion.

Then you must be 100% certain that evil forces have not been able to change words in the Bible to hurt humans. How can you?
You can see evil everywhere else so...

What evidence do you have for this claim?
Have you deeply studied historical or systematic theology, or textual criticism, like some of us have?
Are you including your own claims in the scepticism displayed here? Are you 100% certain that your contact isn't an evil force? If so, how did you come to be 100% certain, when that's an epistemic impossibility and an asinine standard?
Where is the Scripture for your argument?
Did you have Scripture to back up your argument?
What about Scripture?

Then you must be 100% certain that evil forces have not been able to change words in the Bible to hurt humans. How can you?

Very easy to know that the Bible is not hurting humans:

2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

You can see evil everywhere else so...
And apparently hear deceiving spirits that lead people to reject all scripture refuting what tests the words that the evil is speaking, so some remain deceived.

So far, there is no scripture that supports what you claim the voice told you.

Circular reasoning.

It may be circular but that doesn't make it invalid de facto. What reason should Slug1 have for doubting the truthfulness of 2 Timothy 3:16? If all you have in reply is severe scepticism ("but how do you know? BUT HOW DO YOU KNOW?" but, how do you know?") then you will, I'm sure, understand why such a position would be ignored out of hand.

Hmm.. I still do not understand why it seems so difficult to understand that killing other beings is riskier than not to.

Stick to one claim and provide Scriptural support for it if you're going to claim that the claim has spiritual or soteriological import.

Sure it does not have to be invalid. Again all i am saying is that it is riskier to kill than not. Or do you believe God will punish you if you refuse to kill other beings?

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 14, 2021, 12:43:48 AM »
Then you must be 100% certain that evil forces have not been able to change words in the Bible to hurt humans. How can you?

Very easy to know that the Bible is not hurting humans:

2 Tim 3:16 All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17 that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

You can see evil everywhere else so...
And apparently hear deceiving spirits that lead people to reject all scripture refuting what tests the words that the evil is speaking, so some remain deceived.

So far, there is no scripture that supports what you claim the voice told you.

Circular reasoning.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 13, 2021, 04:41:59 PM »
Hmm.. I still do not understand why it seems so difficult to understand that killing other beings is riskier than not to.

There is no difficulty. The scriptures presented throughout this thread refute the stance that eating meat is harmful in any physical or spiritual way.

If there is a risk to mankind's spiritual nature in relation with God by killing and eating animals, then please... present the Scriptures for this discussion.

Then you must be 100% certain that evil forces have not been able to change words in the Bible to hurt humans. How can you?
You can see evil everywhere else so...

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 13, 2021, 03:54:32 PM »
Hmm.. I still do not understand why it seems so difficult to understand that killing other beings is riskier than not to.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 13, 2021, 06:39:07 AM »
As i wrote i know my contact very well. Cant prove that to you so you have to think deep about what is best for you.

"The bad about eating meat is the lasting effect of hurting and killing animals. These martyred animals return in the form of creatures who turn their forces against the bodies of the descendents of those who once killed them." Rudolf Steiner

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 13, 2021, 04:55:32 AM »
Not sure if i wrote this or if it matters. I know my contact and that he/she is kind and loving. If it helps i heard his/her voice from above once. We now talk in a different way. Once he/she opened my heart area. It then feels like a huge lamp in your chest. I doubt anyone can do that.

If you can not stop eating meat then at least cut down and tell others to do as well.

I suppose when we support killing animals we then open the door for them to attack our bodies

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 13, 2021, 03:36:45 AM »
It seems evil is coming out in the light very soon. That is perhaps another reason why it is stupid to eat meat today and why spirit is telling me to warn you.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 12, 2021, 07:08:52 AM »
Whatever you want.

But it does not matter anyway of course. You can not possibly know if every word written there is truth or not unless God told you about it. Its not secret to those with eyes to see that there are evil forces that wants to kill humanity physically and spiritually. Yes the risk of eating meat is much higher than not eating meat. Especially if you do it because you just like the taste and not because you would otherwise starve i suppose. That is extremely selfish and a sign of lack of compassion. Without compassion we do not go to heaven. It is not enough to believe in Jesus. Murderers, rapists and drug cartel members can believe in Jesus to without having any compassion.

I am not saying meat eaters will not go to heaven. Just that it is an idiotic risk to take. You bet your soul for a steak. It is beyond retarded. You actually do not understand that? Not trying to be mean. Just want to get through to you.

I'm eating some pepperoni with my breakfast. It's a little spicy, but a bit of spice is nice in the morning. There are about 106 calories in 6 slices, so one must be careful not to munch away one's caloric budget for the day. It tastes good, too. I've paired it with cheese and roasted peanuts, and a big ole cup of H2O.

The reality is that you don't have Scripture to back up your view, which is why you're resorting to insults and ad hominems. Eating meat is simply not a salvific issue, nor is it personally anywhere close to the top of 'idiotic risks' I might or have taken.

Do you have Scripture to back up your view, or do you have only insults and some trite mentions of compassion that your own post can't even satisfy?

Insults? Nope. I bet all the animals that are suffering feel quite insulted though.
Just want to make you understand.

No i listen to my spiritual contact instead of reading books since i know him/her. If he/she tells me i should tell you not to eat meat it very likely is the right thing to do.

Do you have Scripture to back up your view? You're on a Christian Bible forum, so that's the bare minimum requirement.

You're comparing meat-eating with murder, rape and membership in a drug cartel.

You're conflating 'belief in' with 'acknowledgement of'.

You're all but outright stating that belief in Jesus necessitates that one refrain from eating meat. Again, do you have Scripture to back up this view?

You're speaking to the general 'you' in your reply, accusing that you of being idiotic, retarded, lacking understanding.

You're claiming that you have 'eyes to see' that "there are evil forces that [want] to kill humanity physically and spiritually". We'd probably disagree on the details, but this isn't exactly news to any Christian in the last ~2,000 or so years. What Scripture backs up your argument, or are you making a gnostic appeal?

Why dont you think it is an idiotic risk to kill animals because you like the taste?

Why is it idiotic? Show me the Scripture that says it's idiotic to kill animals because they taste good, and I happen to want steak on Tuesday and a salad on Wednesday.

I know you just refer to texts in the Bible.

The forum URL should have given away that much. Do you have Scriptural support for your argument?

But please answer how you can be sure they have not been manipulated to make you a sinner?

What do you mean 'make me a sinner'? I'm saved by the grace of my Lord Jesus Christ but I am no stranger to sin, and that's not something to be proud of, and I don't need sin upon sin being invented where sin already abounds.

And to answer your question: I've studied under the top theologians of our time and have advanced degrees in constructive/systematic and historical theology. How about you?

From what i can see they are trying to do that with so much else. Everything from going to wars in the middle east to how they are using the Covid to gain control over humanity.

Who are 'they'?

I think you need to think deeper about risk vs reward. Not sure why it is so difficult for some to understand that eating meat is spiritually much riskier than not eating meat. Others have no problem at all to see that.
Guess the indoctrination is extremely strong.

Why not just follow "Thou shalt not kill" for humans and animals and be on the safe side?

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 12, 2021, 04:20:23 AM »
Why dont you think it is an idiotic risk to kill animals because you like the taste? I know you just refer to texts in the Bible. But please answer how you can be sure they have not been manipulated to make you a sinner? From what i can see they are trying to do that with so much else. Everything from going to wars in the middle east to how they are using the Covid to gain control over humanity.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 12, 2021, 04:10:18 AM »
Whatever you want.

But it does not matter anyway of course. You can not possibly know if every word written there is truth or not unless God told you about it. Its not secret to those with eyes to see that there are evil forces that wants to kill humanity physically and spiritually. Yes the risk of eating meat is much higher than not eating meat. Especially if you do it because you just like the taste and not because you would otherwise starve i suppose. That is extremely selfish and a sign of lack of compassion. Without compassion we do not go to heaven. It is not enough to believe in Jesus. Murderers, rapists and drug cartel members can believe in Jesus to without having any compassion.

I am not saying meat eaters will not go to heaven. Just that it is an idiotic risk to take. You bet your soul for a steak. It is beyond retarded. You actually do not understand that? Not trying to be mean. Just want to get through to you.

I'm eating some pepperoni with my breakfast. It's a little spicy, but a bit of spice is nice in the morning. There are about 106 calories in 6 slices, so one must be careful not to munch away one's caloric budget for the day. It tastes good, too. I've paired it with cheese and roasted peanuts, and a big ole cup of H2O.

The reality is that you don't have Scripture to back up your view, which is why you're resorting to insults and ad hominems. Eating meat is simply not a salvific issue, nor is it personally anywhere close to the top of 'idiotic risks' I might or have taken.

Do you have Scripture to back up your view, or do you have only insults and some trite mentions of compassion that your own post can't even satisfy?

Insults? Nope. I bet all the animals that are suffering feel quite insulted though.
Just want to make you understand.

No i listen to my spiritual contact instead of reading books since i know him/her. If he/she tells me i should tell you not to eat meat it very likely is the right thing to do.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 12, 2021, 03:04:06 AM »
Whatever you want.

But it does not matter anyway of course. You can not possibly know if every word written there is truth or not unless God told you about it. Its not secret to those with eyes to see that there are evil forces that wants to kill humanity physically and spiritually. Yes the risk of eating meat is much higher than not eating meat. Especially if you do it because you just like the taste and not because you would otherwise starve i suppose. That is extremely selfish and a sign of lack of compassion. Without compassion we do not go to heaven. It is not enough to believe in Jesus. Murderers, rapists and drug cartel members can believe in Jesus to without having any compassion.

I am not saying meat eaters will not go to heaven. Just that it is an idiotic risk to take. You bet your soul for a steak. (removed) You actually do not understand that? Not trying to be mean. Just want to get through to you.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 11, 2021, 02:46:43 PM »
I cant see anything that says that God or Lord said the aroma was pleasant. The text just states that the aroma was pleasant from what i can see.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 11, 2021, 12:26:35 PM »
Genesis 8 Then Noah built an altar to the Lord, and took of every clean animal and of every clean bird, and offered burnt-offerings on the altar. And when the Lord smelt the pleasing odor

God finds the smell of cooked meat pleasant. And as mentioned, no one told Noah to do this. He made the offering entirely of his own decision. God didn't criticize or condemn the action, or call it a sin. He found the act pleasing.

I very much doubt that.  :D It does not say it was God who found the smell pleasing.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 11, 2021, 11:38:46 AM »
It may not be a "sin" but you can not be certain.
If the bible doesn't say that it is a sin, then it isn't a sin.

I bet to God it is very different to eat meat because we would otherwise starve or eat it because we like the taste.

Controversial Issues / Re: Meat eating and the spiritual
« on: July 11, 2021, 10:35:42 AM »
Love, Holy Spirit i guess. I also asked for name. Two answers were "who knows who we are" and "there is only love".

Why is this controversial? Its such an easy choice not to support an industry who just cause death and suffering. Even if it is allowed why take take that risk? Risk is way higher than any possible theoretical benefit.

Have you spoken to your pastor about what a spirit is revealing to you?

My point, the Holy Spirit convicts people of "sin." Based on scripture, it is not a sin to eat meat. Thus, the spirit speaking to you is deceiving you. We're even warned of such spirits in the Bible and I posted that warning also.

Have no reason to talk to a pastor. It may not be a "sin" but you can not be certain. You can not know if you have not been lied to or misunderstand the texts. The spiritual risk of eating meat is a lot higher than not eating meat.

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