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Messages - Pablo

Pages: 1 [2]
Eschatology / Re: Habakkuk's End Time Word
« on: December 22, 2021, 06:07:58 PM »
Is it possible that we are at the very end of time, that is in Revelation 16 where God is pouring out the 6th vial upon the face of the earth.

America who represents Babylon is broken and is ready to fall, and as soon as Babylon falls the end will be upon us.

America rules the world and is Babylon and God is raining down punishment on her and also on the rest of the world. But the fall of Babylon is the sign post that will tell us that we are there.

In General / Re: The effect of being Born Again on our Free Will
« on: December 22, 2021, 05:34:38 PM »
The bible does not teach freewill, although it teaches that we have a will that we do use to make choices.

The only usage of the word "freewill" in the bible is freewill offerings.

God chose not to use that word because it apparently does not apply to our salvation or otherwise.

God is our creator and we belong to God. Not only Christians but everyone who entered the world, also including angels and any other being He created.
Thus we are obligated to conform to God's will and not doing so is called disobedience.

It is God who sets the rules, and we ought to pay close attention to his word. Many preacher will lead others into hell because we trust the Pastor and not the bible.

When Jesus was asked about the end times by his disciples, the first sentence out of his mouth was this.

Mat 24:3  And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? 
Mat 24:4  And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you.

Becoming a passive recipient of the word from others is death, because the deceived is just as guilty as the perpetrator of those who deceive others, whether through ignorance or presumption.

Theology / Re: the standard of righteousness
« on: December 22, 2021, 05:19:24 PM »
I hope I see you in the kingdom of God.
I tend to differ slightly with your presentation of this topic.

Throughout the entire bible it calls for us to be perfect.
If you start off with the premise that it is humanly impossible to be perfect, you might just fall somewhat short, even though you will probably know it during the process.

But sometimes we can deceive ourselves based on the teachings of our church.

Of course it is only God who knows when our hearts are considered perfect as He does not look on the outer man but on the heart.

Now we should aim for perfection at all times as it is God, through His Holy Spirit that empowers us to be perfect and not we ourselves.

The Holy Spirit is underrated in this world and for the most part ignored and that is a very big mistake. God or Jesus Christ do not mince their words or exaggerate or pretty up things to sound nice.

What they say they mean and human reasoning plays no role in this endeavor. We are truly living in total darkness on this earth and many are going to be blind to that truth because they do not have the Holy Spirit indwelling them.

In General / Re: accepting Jesus
« on: December 22, 2021, 04:52:39 PM »
I was raised with the Lutheran truth that we can be saved, as Christians, through grace, and not have to perform in any way to qualify for this salvation. There is no law we have to meet, and no endurance record, nor litmus test, to qualify us for getting through the pearly gates.

And I do think Luther was a prince of this concept of grace, just as Paul was. We can never satisfy the requirements of the Law of Moses to get into heaven. We are all flawed people.

But many raised in the Protestant churches today have missed what being born again means. I believe in his doctrine of grace Luther taught the need to be reborn. I believe he himself experienced a profound personal transformation, the same time that he learned about grace.

Today, many just think "accepting Jesus as Messiah" fulfills the requirement of accepting grace. But it doesn't. True grace comes when we accept Jesus' righteousness into our lives.

We can't earn that righteousness, but we can certainly abandon our old ways for a new way of life in Jesus' righteousness. This is the transformation required to get into heaven.

Accept grace by accepting Jesus' righteousness, and learn to put it into action. We need not be perfect, but we need to know what Jesus' love is, and to practice it, as evidence that we have truly received it.

You omitted one important thing, which of course might have been an oversight.
The Holy Spirit is instrumental in your conversion.
The Holy Spirit is key to everything, as He is the Spirit of God.

Pages: 1 [2]

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