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General Category => In General => Topic started by: RabbiKnife on September 13, 2021, 02:57:24 PM

Title: Conspiracy theories
Post by: RabbiKnife on September 13, 2021, 02:57:24 PM
Noah was a conspiracy theorist until the first raindrop.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories
Post by: RandyPNW on September 13, 2021, 03:44:29 PM
Noah was not, however, a nut-job, nor a panicker. :) Point well taken! :)
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories
Post by: Athanasius on September 14, 2021, 04:30:12 AM
Noah was not, however, a nut-job, nor a panicker. :) Point well taken! :)

But we only know that in hindsight. At the time, not so much.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories
Post by: 49ersALLS.F. on March 12, 2025, 08:39:41 PM
Noah was a conspiracy theorist? Wow, I’d be REALLY interested to learn more about that. Most conspiracy theorists think that people, rather than the natural world, are out to get them. I don’t recall Noah making a speech in the Bible, or even Methuselah, of whom it’s only recorded that his name means “After me, the deluge.” I’ll be sure to go back over that in Genesis, though. Noah is a stand alone case to mist Bible readers I know, since for the most part famous prophets are thought to be the ones who personally wrote their own books or scrolls. Moses is alleged to have written all five of the first five books quite a long while after the events that at least the first one records, there’s a big gap in time there between the end of Genesis and the beginning of Exodus, but people miss it, because the great excitement of the fall and the flood tend to overshadow the missing time between the death of Joseph (another dreamer/prophet who didn’t write his own diary), and the birth of Moses, who wrote his memoirs after being led out of Egyptian slavery.

My imagination holds that Noah wasn’t a conspiracy theorist, more a mad scientist working on a newfangled gadget that no one else could think of a use or occasion for. I can see the events he underwent during the tower episode with Ham and the girlies as victimization by a cabal or conspiracy, but I don’t see any evidence at all in the writings that he knew that was coming or foresaw it.

People don’t know the future. Noah and Solomon were both builders in their own right, and do was Moses. But they had only prophesied in the sense that God had given them engineering drawings, basically. They had blueprints. There’s just no record at all that either Noah or Moses saw the future. In fact, I can’t see it in the stories of either David or Solomon, either.