Psalms 107:2 Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom he hath redeemed from the hand of the enemy;

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Messages - Sojourner

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In General / Chuck Schumer calls for Netanyahu to be replaced
« on: March 19, 2024, 01:57:43 PM »
I think Schumer and company need to clean up their own backyard before bloviating about Israel's leadership and political affairs. They won't even secure our own southern border. Personally, I think if anyone needs to be replaced, it's Joe Biden, Schumer, and the rest of the career politicians oblivious to our present social, political and economic chaos. 

Controversial Issues / Re: Antisemitism
« on: March 15, 2024, 05:32:33 PM »
Oscar, I'm not going to engage in another endless, protracted, discussion that accomplishes nothing except to demonstrate that we hold conflicting opinions on virtually everything. The current circumstances now surrounding Israel are fulfilling Bible prophecy, and the way events ultimately turn out are in accordance with the foreordained will of God. No actions, words or sentiments will change that. (Since I know that's nonsensical to you, just I'll leave it at that).

The Jews have been the most reviled, persecuted people in human history--an antipathy that culminated in Hitler's systematic "final solution" that wiped out millions of European Jews. When your forebears have been subjected to extermination attempts, and you currently live surrounded by enemies who deny your right to exist, I imagine you develop a very strong sense of self-preservation. A two state solution will probably be attempted at some point, but in the interim, Israel will do whatever is necessary to prevent a repeat of the 10/7 attack. Consider that my final reply.

Controversial Issues / Re: Antisemitism
« on: March 14, 2024, 04:50:48 PM »
It seems just yesterday (actually it was prior to 10/7/2023) "misgendering" someone was considered "hate speech" and students who committed this terrible crime faced disciplinary measures. No universities were protecting this under the guise of "free speech". Yet today one can call for the violent elimination of a nation state and harass students who ascribe to a certain religious belief over it, and it's "well colleges need to be a bastion of free speech".

While calling for the violent destruction of a nation and its people is never a good thing, when you "misgender" a person, you're going too far. (At least that seems to be the perspective these days).

I get that people are upset over the plight of the Palestinian civilians caught in the middle--even though great effort is being taken by Israel to minimize collateral damage. But people fail to understand that extreme measures are necessary in order to obliterate Hamas and avoid a repeat of the 10/7 attack. Perhaps if anti-Israel people had murderous next-door neighbors who denied their right to exist, they would get a clearer picture of the situation. (Especially if they fired shots at you using their family members as shields). 

Clean Christian Humor / One day on the lake
« on: March 07, 2024, 01:34:00 PM »
A game warden approached two men fishing on the banks of a lake, and asked to see their fishing licenses. One of the men bolted and the game warden gave chase. Catching up to the fleeing man, the warden seized him and said, "Okay, buddy, you're gonna have to pay a fine for fishing without a license."

"Whattaya mean," replied the man, pulling out his wallet and showing his license. "Here's my license."

Well if you had a license, why did you run?" the baffled warden asked.

"Because my buddy didn't have one" replied the man. 

In General / Re: Quotable Quotes
« on: March 06, 2024, 05:19:28 PM »
"A billion here, a billion there, and pretty soon you're talking real money".
--Sen. Everett Dirksen

In General / Re: If you could….
« on: March 05, 2024, 05:06:43 PM »
Sojourner, what are your thoughts on the idea that some Christian movements have created a problematic separation of 'evangelism' and 'follow-up', when they shouldn't be seen as separate at all?

I'm not sure what movements you're referring to, but I think any evangelistic endeavor should include some sort of followup. Ideally, someone brand new in the Lord should be encouraged to find a Spirit-filled, Bible-believing church with a pastor who will nurture and instruct him in the next phase of his journey. The contrivances of the enemy await one who has committed his life to Jesus, including the instilling of doubts about the reality of his experience, trials and tribulations, or disruptive diversionary tactics.

Many people came to the Lord during phenomenal Asbury revival last year, and I can only hope each person was provided with an opportunity for proper grounding in the faith. I think that includes being connected in a Bible-believing church, fellowship, and daily Bible reading. Progressive stages of development should follow the New Birth just as they do the natural birth. An infant needs proper care and nurturing as it grows, and the same is true of spiritual progression.

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: March 04, 2024, 02:46:30 PM »
They seem to hold the opinion that if you worship a god other than Allah, you don't deserve to live.
Or if one worships the wrong flavor of Islam for that matter.

True dat. Sunni and Shia Muslims (among a few others brands), don't always play well together. I believe the differences originally stem from a dispute over Muhammad's rightful successor. Push come to shove though, they'd put aside their differences to unite against the "Great Satan and Little Satan".

In General / Re: If you could….
« on: March 02, 2024, 09:01:55 PM »
I've always believed the best method of evangelizing is to live your testimony--demonstrating your faith day by day by showing love even to the unlovable, and trusting in the Lord in times of great adversity, which is what true faith is.

There's certainly a lot more draw to someone who visibly lives what they preach, than to someone who talks a good talk but either doesn't live it or is sufficiently detached from the situation there's no way of knowing whether they live it.

It's just one of the reasons I tend to be wary of the kind of travelling speaker who pumps crowds with upbeat music, then gives an address, then moves on to the next town having nominally "led many to Christ" but then never bothers to follow up with any of them because they assume that's Someone Else's Problem now.

Yeah, traveling evangelists typically don't have the luxury of followups, which can be problematic for new converts after the initial excitement of the encounter wears off--especially when the Gospel seed doesn't take root, and adversity or distractions disrupt the experience. When you bring a baby into the world, a process of nurturing is required to facilitate proper development. Same with a brand new Christian.

While we can't all be pastors or evangelists, in our day to day life, we all have an opportunity to demonstrate to others the reality of a spiritual transformation through the power of Christ. In order to be effective however, it's important that the integrity of our testimony is validated by walking the walk as well as talking the talk. People need to see something in us they want in their lives.

In General / Re: If you could….
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:56:10 PM »
I've always believed the best method of evangelizing is to live your testimony--demonstrating your faith day by day by showing love even to the unlovable, and trusting in the Lord in times of great adversity, which is what true faith is.

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: February 29, 2024, 08:42:25 PM »
It's no coincidence that Jews and Christians are both targeted by Muslims. They seem to hold the opinion that if you worship a god other than Allah, you don't deserve to live. In Nigeria, about half the population is Christian, and the other half is Muslim, so there's frequent victimization of Christians. I've read reports of Nigerian Christians who were kidnapped and tortured, and came back stronger in their faith. Inspiring. Those who are martyred will be rewarded in the coming kingdom, so either way there is victory.

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: February 28, 2024, 03:46:38 PM »
This is kind of a pejorative way of phrasing the idea. "Rigidly monotheistic"? No, that's what the bible says. You guys added on dozens of books that altered the existing theology. It doesn't mean that you're wrong, but at the very least, you have to admit that the bible is very different without them. And "the rabbis refrained"? Judaism comes from the bible, not "the rabbis". I can read it as well as they and come to the same conclusion.

I apologize if my statement seemed pejorative. I only sought to underscore a superlative sense of monotheism as being the reason Judaism rejects the idea of angelic beings having free will. (And I do not question the integrity of your acumen regarding Judaism). But don't the collective rabbinic writings outside of scripture form the basis for much of what modern Jews believe? For instance, on the topic of angels:

The idea that angels are essentially "programmed" for specific tasks, rather than being eternally-existing creatures with personalities who obey God out of free will; that angels sing God's praises in "shifts," and the angel who wrestled with Jacob was in a hurry to leave at dawn because it was time for his shift; that some angels are created for one specific task, and then cease to exist upon the task's completion; that some angels are created as a result of either good or bad human deeds.

These and other ideas are not clearly delineated in the tanakh, but are derived from the teachings of rabbis and scholars, who seek to expound and elucidate. Their pervasive influence on Judaism was the reason I referenced them.

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: February 26, 2024, 09:07:10 PM »
1 Sam 16 "The Lord sent an evil spirit to Saul. It gave Saul trouble and fear in his mind."

Sounds like depression. Regardless it isn't changing free will.

 1 Kings 22 "'I will go forth, and I will be a lying spirit in the mouth of all his prophets.'

Yes, false prophets tell lies. Regardless it isn't changing free will.

Zech 3:1 Actually says "Satan", not a spirit.


That's fine. Just understand that I believe being influenced by malevolent spirits does not negate free will. A person can commit horrific acts when under the influence of drugs or alcohol that they would not ordinarily engage in. Yet, even though the substance is influencing the person's behavior, they are still exercising free will.

I understand that Judaism is so rigidly monotheistic the rabbis refrained from characterizing any being other than God as having authority--or even exercising free will. Also God creates both good and evil, and satan is a metaphor for the inclination to evil we struggle against. As I said, there are simply theological differences between Judaism and Christianity--which include the Devil, fallen angels, and demons.

One thing: regarding the passage in Zech 3, what's your understanding of Satan, seen standing there acting as an accuser, whom the Lord rebukes? Why rebuke Satan if he is acting in accordance with God's will?

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: February 26, 2024, 05:05:40 PM »
Just one of a number of points on which our two faiths diverge. Scripture actually presents examples of spirits influencing people. For instance, the spirit that tormented Saul, the spirit that the Lord rebukes in Zech 3:1, and the lying spirit in 1 Kings 22, dispatched to put lies in the mouths of Ahab's prophets.
God does not remove our free will, except in unique and exceptional circumstances. Hamas and their ilk are not being influenced by "spirits." They are bad people who make the conscious choice to do bad things.
I didn't imply that all acts of violence and hatred are compelled by malevolent spirits. People are perfectly capable of murder and mayhem of their own volition, and Hamas and all other Jew-haters are culpable for their own actions. But that does not negate the influence spirits can exert over people--such as the examples in scripture I cited, which you neither refuted nor acknowledged.

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: February 26, 2024, 03:04:51 PM »
Malevolent spiritual forces
I think it's just bad people doing bad things. Put the blame where it belongs. Nothing spiritual about it.
Just one of a number of points on which our two faiths diverge. Scripture actually presents examples of spirits influencing people. For instance, the spirit that tormented Saul, the spirit that the Lord rebukes in Zech 3:1, and the lying spirit in 1 Kings 22, dispatched to put lies in the mouths of Ahab's prophets.

In General / Re: Attacks on churches on the rise
« on: February 26, 2024, 11:11:04 AM »
'The current age'? Can you be more specific?

3While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming and of the end of the age?” (Matt 24:3)

18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, 20and teaching them to obey all that I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt 28:18-20)

For it is My Father's will that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day." (John 6:44)

The age in which we're now living will end and a new one will commence, the day Jesus returns to gather those who belong to Him, execute judgment on the ungodly, and establish His kingdom. "Age" is a far more accurate translation of the Greek aionos than "world," as the KJV renders it.

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