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Topics - RabbiKnife

Pages: [1]
In General / If you could….
« on: February 28, 2024, 12:29:26 PM »
What is your initial gut reaction if you found this on a website advertising a new church in your neighborhood….????

Or if this flyer was left at your house or received in the mail?
In 1964, Rankin and Bass released the stop-puppet animation classic, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer.  Once Rudolph leaves the North Pole with Hermey, (the elf who hates making toys and wants to be a dentist,) they encounter Yukon Cornelius (a prospector who is – in the end – revealed to be searching not for silver or gold but for a peppermint mine).  Together, they stumble upon the bizarro world of The Island of Misfit Toys.
The Island of Misfit Toys is the home of toys that are considered defective in some way by the mainstream of culture… Charlie (not Jack)- in-the-Box, Dolly (with no nose), a spotted Elephant, the cowboy who rides an ostrich, a train with square wheels, and who can forget the water pistol that squirts jelly.  Outcasts.  Unloved.  Uncared for.  Rejected.  Alone.
That is, rejected and uncared for by everyone except King Moonracer, who circles the earth every night searching for unloved toys in need of help.  King Moonracer is a griffin, part lion and part eagle  (If you are familiar, think about Aslan from C.S. Lewis’ Narnia.)  King Moonracer tells Rudolph, Hermy, and Yukon that a toy can never be truly happy until is has been loved by a child.  King Moonracer is all about redemption and adoption and reconciliation and restoration and being truly loved.
Welcome to _____________________.  We say “WELCOME,” because we, too, are misfits.  Home to misfits, has-beens, outcasts, rejects, the misunderstood, the lonely, and the fed-up-with-man’s-religion.  Home to those sick of “church as usual,” sick of religion without power, sick of a claimed faith that is “all hat and no cattle.”  A place with probably more questions than answers, other than the answer of  “See Jesus.  Listen to Him.  Do what He says.”
We exist only to connect misfits to Jesus.  We are normal people that love Jesus but can no longer be a part of what passes for “church” these days.  We are tired of culturally created and accepted norms of “Christian” appearance and practice.  We are weary of business as usual, of all talk and no do, of empty, powerless, useless religion that places burdens on people that never sees people change in the reality of Jesus’ empowering presence in their lives.
We’re the ones opening the window, sticking our heads out, and screaming “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore!”)  [If you understand that old movie reference, you’ll fit right in.]  And if you are offended by that quote, don’t get near us.  We might have cooties.  You might just run into an experience with Jesus that messes you up so that you will truly never be the same.
Jesus didn’t come to heal the healthy, but to minister to the sick and hurting.  He didn’t come to those who thought they were righteous, but to sinners.  Folks who knew that they were in trouble.  He came to bring true life, not more religious jargon and rules.  Jesus hung out with the rejects…SINNERS… the tax collector traitors, the poor, the women, the oppressed, those beaten up and rejected by man-made religious rules.  Jesus came so that we could have life – an abundant life.
So here we are.  Nothing special.  Just folks that really love Jesus and want to live for Jesus in a sick, post-modern, post-Christian society that desperately needs the truth of the Gospel.
No, that doesn’t mean we accept sin.  We just accept sinners.  If you spend time with us, you’ll be loved, and accepted for who you are, and who Jesus made you to be.  But it will be a challenge.
Which means that if you struggle with alcoholism, we’ll love you through it, but we won’t affirm you and let you believe that Jesus wants you to continue to be a drunk.  Jesus wants something better for you.
Which means if you are an adulterer – or addicted to pornography – or a homosexual or lesbian – or having sex with everyone you can find from social media to redneck bars--- we will love you in spite of your sin, but we won’t affirm you and let you believe  that your sexual perversion or promiscuity is acceptable to Jesus as a lifestyle.  Jesus wants something better for you.
Which means if you are enslaved to materialism and riches and keeping up with the Joneses, we will love you in spite of your poverty of spirit and hefty bank account, but we won’t affirm you and let you believe that your greed and affluence is acceptable to Jesus.  Jesus wants something better for you.
Which means if you are blaming everyone else for your misfortunes, and wallowing in self-pity or blowing up in anger, we will love you in spite of your selfishness and immaturity and refusal to grow up, but we won’t affirm you continuing in that condition.  Jesus wants something better for you.
So name your poison.  We’re all misfits.
No, we believe in holiness, as the Bible teaches.  We believe that although we all come to Jesus just as we are—warts, sins, and all -- Jesus loves us too much to let us stay as we are.  We believe that Jesus wants us all to be transformed into mature redeemed human beings, created in the image of God, saved by the grace of God and by grace alone.
So, if you are
•              Lonely
•              Afraid
•              Ashamed
•              Desperate
•              Rejected
•              Outcast
•              Weird
•              Ugly
•              Nerd
•              Misunderstood
•              Sick of “church as usual”
•              At your wit’s end
•              Alcoholic
•              Sexually confused, addicted, tormented, or out of control
•              Angry
•              Addicted to anything
… We might be a people for you.  Just remember.  We can’t fix you.  We don’t want to fix you.  After all, only Jesus can forgive sin, and heal, and restore.  It won’t be easy.  It will be painful.  It will be two steps forward and one step back.   Looking in the Bible, seeing Jesus, and doing what He says to do is the scariest thing you will ever do.  But it’s worth it.
On the other hand, if you are convinced that following and worshiping Jesus is just a list of rules and do’s and don’ts, and that you can make it if you just keep the rules, then you should probably stay away.  This probably isn’t a place you would enjoy.  Grace is hard.  But it’s worth it.
Or, If you come from a church background and think Jesus requires a certain form of worship, or certain instruments, or only one particular translation of the Bible or only one kind of music, you should definitely protect yourself from any new ideas you might pick up around us.  Grace is contagious!
Or, if you think that Jesus came especially  for the pretty, the handsome, the in-crowd, the wealthy, the socially acceptable, the culturally religious, the “good people,” (He does love them, too, but just because He loves everyone, not just them) then you should certainly stay away.  Grace might catch you by surprise!
Because you might meet Jesus, and He might blow your mind.
Jesus put it this way... "If you are struggling under the load of life, come sit with me, and I'll give you true rest.  Do the things I have for you to do, and nothing else -- learn how I live-- and you will find rest, and peace, and restoration, because my tasks are easy and light."
Ready to be a misfit?

Theology / Faith and peace
« on: February 06, 2024, 06:14:21 AM »
Is faith actual or only potential in the absence of peace in the inner man?

Said another way.  Can one claim to truly have faith in a then present subjective experience of anxiety or fear of loss? 

Encouragement / Press toward the mark
« on: October 31, 2023, 06:41:00 AM »
I was never a great athlete.  Too slow for the infield, arm not really strong enough for the outfield.  Couldn't see well enough to hit a curveball.  Not tall enough for basketball and not enough upper body strength for football. 

But, what I lacked in ability I made up for in attitude.  I modeled my baseball days, as brief as they were, on Pete Rose, “Charlie hustle” back in the 70’s

Somewhere, in the daily grind of life, I lost that Charlie Hustle spirit.

Paul had it.  See Philippians 3.

I want to be this guy for the next 30 years of my life.

Press, brothers and sisters….press.  Leave it all on the track...

In General / Prayers for Eratz Israel
« on: October 08, 2023, 04:09:09 PM »
Our prayer for the leadership, the soldiers, and the citizens of Israel as they battle the evil unleashed among them.  May God protect and give them victory.

Non Christian Perspective / Apples and honey, baby!!!
« on: September 15, 2023, 06:40:17 PM »
Happy 5784, Fenris!!!

Apples and honey all year king!

May you see God in the beauty of His holiness as you seek Him this year!

In General / Purim question
« on: March 07, 2023, 10:53:52 AM »
Mostly for Fenris...

Dude, is there a "shabbat goy" equivalent for Purim?

I have a few folks that likely need to be "Purged."

Help a Gentile out!


In General / Jesus Revolution
« on: February 27, 2023, 07:05:49 AM »
Saw the new movie, "Jesus Revolution" this weekend.

I wept throughout it.

Dear God, how I long for a faith that simple and open.  Have i told you lately how much I despise what we have done with Jesus?

In General / Supreme Court leaked draft opinion
« on: May 03, 2022, 06:49:40 AM »
For those that haven't heard, Politico has reported a leaked DRAFT opinion of the Supreme Court in which SCOTUS overturns Roe v Wade and returns the issue of abortion to the states and elected officials.  It is likely a 5-4 opinion.  As it is only a draft, only the author (Alito) is named, as the others are only named in the final.  I anticipate that Roberts will side with the liberal arm of the court (likely in a separate concurring opinion only as to stare decisis), and that Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett, Thomas, and Gorsuch will be the majority opinion.  You can read the entire DRAFT here.   Please NOTE:  THIS IS ONLY A DRAFT.

Here's how this works.  After oral argument, the next week the Court takes an initial vote.  If there is a majority, then a person on the majority is assigned to draft the opinion.  it is drafted and then circulated to the other 8 justices for comment.  A lot of horsetrading goes on in terms of precise language, etc.   At the same time, Justices often start writing their concurring opinions or dissenting opinions.  Typically, the majority opinion is held until all of the concurring and dissenting opinions are finished, but this is not a requirement.

This leak of a draft is unprecedented.  Not that SCOTUS would overturn long held precedent -- that's been done a number of times -- , but that a draft opinion was leaked to the press before the final opinion is published.  This is treasonous, in my opinion.  It is a direct assault on the independence and integrity of the Supreme Court and its independent judicial role.  Only 45 people have access to the draft, with the possible exception of a few more legal secretaries and support staff, but generally, only the 9 justices and their 36 law clerks (each has four) have access to draft opinions.

This is a remarkable political move, an obvious effort by those supporting Roe and opposing its overturn to throw the SCOTUS into chaos and to try to bring popular and political pressure against it.  The left is already in full bore hysteria.  There are already calls for codifying Roe into law and for packing the Supreme Court.  Expect Joe Manchin and Kristen Sinema to get blasted, and I fully expect both of them to blast the left beyond measure.

Ladies and gentlemen, the riots of 2020 and the lockdown of 2020 and 2021 were just the opening precursor.

This unfathomable action by someone to attempt to influence the Court through the press and public opinion is the first shot in the coming war.

Prepare yourselves in every way imaginable; there will be open civil unrest in every major city in America; churches will be targeted; Pro-life Christians will be targeted.  Make sure you have enough food and water on hand for a three week period at all times.  You are likely to see supply chain disruptions like you have never seen.  The BLM riots of a couple of years ago are getting ready to look like a Sunday School picnic.  This is all about trying to reverse the trend seen in the upcoming midterm elections.

Arm yourselves for spiritual warfare as you have never armed yourself.
A Smith and Wesson might not be a bad idea, either.

I can be a bit of a provacateur, I recognize, but if this opinion -- which reads like Alito, and is remarkably detailed -- is eventually published in total or without significant change, we are indeed looking at the possibility of undeclared civil war in this country, not of state against state, but of faction against faction.

Pray for our country, for our Supreme Court Justices, for our President, for Congress, and for the citizens of our great land.

This is truly remarkable.  You are experiencing history on the level of the first shots at Fort Sumter, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, the Kennedy Assassination, the Challenger explosion.  Remember this day.

In General / The Use of Money
« on: March 30, 2022, 11:03:46 AM »
OK, I'm bored with all the infighting on all the other threads.

I read a fascinating sermon by John Wesley from about 1744.  Wesley, since his days at OXford, kept his expenses to less than 30 pounds sterling per year, or about the amount of a skilled laborers income for 300 work days.  Call it $96,000 in today's dollars.
Everything over 28 pounds sterling a year he gave away for the rest of his life and kept is expenses steady, even in the years he earned 1400 pounds a year, a fortune.

Here's the sermon.

Here's the question:  Are we willing to even consider the kind of financial stewardship that Wesley proposes?


In General / Just for Fenris
« on: December 22, 2021, 12:11:20 PM »
Hey, Fenris!

Sorry, dear friend, but with all the insanity at work I just realized that I was late on your Hannukah gifts this year!

So, just for you (and no one else can see this because it is, after all, SECRET)

In General / Conspiracy theories
« on: September 13, 2021, 02:57:24 PM »
Noah was a conspiracy theorist until the first raindrop.


Eschatology / Excellent article on various interpretive models
« on: July 27, 2021, 07:11:18 AM »

Welcome / He's baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack.
« on: July 21, 2021, 10:57:08 AM »
For a limited engagement, I'm sure.

You have been warned.

Carry on.

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